About The Webinar Brought To You By NPE:
Each week at NPE we work with hundreds of the most successful fitness business owners from around the world.
Here’s what we can tell you from behind the scenes:
Right now, the SMARTEST fitness business owners have completely let go of their previous paradigms.
They’re not holding onto old ways they ‘used’ to think about their business.
They’re using this crisis to re-imagine HOW they think about their business.
And they’re not afraid to tear down what isn’t working today, to rebuild a better machine for tomorrow.
They’re all quickly UPGRADING their business by focusing on 3 things:
- Clarifying WHO REALLY IS their best client and HOW they can better serve them now
- Re-engineering their programs to deliver more VALUE to their best clients and generate more PROFIT and CASH FLOW for their business
- Becoming a stronger marketing strategist and sales leader to accelerate bringing in more NEW CLIENTS and ramp up REVENUE.
Learn more about how YOU can do the same by registering for our free LIVE webinar on Wednesday, May 20 (2 time slots to attend live) and discover how to:
- Successfully re-open your facility with a plan that makes clients feel safe and confident to come back and train with you
- Set up your business for success in the months ahead (and crush the competition)
- Fill your studio/gym with high lifetime value clients and take home more money
- And much, much more!
Don’t re-open your studio or gym with the same expenses, but with half the revenue and clients… continue grinding away just to break even or lose money… or be forced to close your doors without an ROI to show for the years of hard work you’ve put into growing your business.
The old Zig Ziglar quote is true, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
Register now and get the strategic business plan you need to move forward and achieve your goals in the year ahead.