8 Clients Sign 12-Month Contracts for $30,000 (in Just 6 Weeks)
💪 Fit Pro Case Study
10 clients
and $2,215 monthly revenue
13 clients
and $6,289 monthly revenue
Joyce and Ricardo Antonetty, Train4Living
Personal Training
Goose Creek, SC, USA
NPE Program
NPE Client
Since 2022
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They loved their business of nearly 4 years, but were still struggling to pay the bills …
When you don’t have enough money, you spend a lot of time thinking about money.
Which bill to pay? Which bill can wait? When is more cash coming in?
Too many great fit pros know what scraping by feels like.
Joyce and Ricardo Antonetty are very positive people who LOVE helping people and love their business, Train4Living, Goose Creek, SC, USA.
Joyce works with busy professional women over 40 who want to regain their strength and confidence.
Ricardo works with helping military veterans refocus their lives and regain their health.
But since 2018, they’ve never had breathing room when it comes to income. And they weren’t sure of the best path forward.
They attended an NPE Premium Clients Challenge event, saw progress in a few days, and signed up for the NPE ACCELERATOR™ program to grow their client base and income.
“When you’re doing it on your own and you don’t really have any guidance, you’re just making it up as you go. You’re like, ‘I may or may not be able to pay my mortgage this month’ … Our goal [in coming to NPE] was to pay our bills…”
— Joyce and Ricardo Antonetty, Train4Living
Joyce and Ricardo's Success Milestones
— Been in business 4 years, but not earning the income they needed
— Unfocused in their efforts — guessing at what works
— Unstructured pricing and packaging
— Unsure of a better path forward
Their biggest challenge was lack of focus on what to do to grow their business and earn the income they wanted.
They were struggling to pay their bills. After nearly 4 years, they had $2,215 in revenues and 10 clients.
Making matters worse was unpredictability: The clients were paying by the week, or by the session … there was little structure to their pricing and packaging. Income was inconsistent.
“We were kind of just throwing things out there looking at different aspects of business,” explains Joyce. “We were like, ‘Oh, Let’s try this.OK, that didn’t work. Let’s try this or that.”
They weren’t getting enough leads. For the leads they did get, they were wasting too much time with unqualified prospects who were not a good fit. And they were working all the time and they hadn’t taken vacation in 5 years.
They recognized they needed help.
“Really what it came down to was, we didn’t know what we needed to know, right?” says Joyce.
“Things are going great … much better than they were a few months ago….Our goal was to pay our bills. Now we're at a level where we kind of breathe….[Clients] are on board for the long haul.”
-- Joyce Antonetty, Train4Living
— Changed mindset to focusing on value offered
— Re-structured their programs for 3-, 6-, and 12-month programs
— Ran an NPE conversion campaign to convert existing client base to long-term clients
Joyce and Ricardo signed up for the free 5-day online NPE Premium Challenge. In the course of the week, they discovered what they’d been missing. “It was a lifeline [because of] the consistent feedback and having the right knowledge of what to do,” Joyce explained.
They decided to keep moving forward and joined NPE ACCELERATOR™.
In the first 6 weeks of the program, they made 3 immediate changes:
- Mindset. Specifically, “wrapping your end around the fact you are running a business.” This gave them a powerful focus. They set their goals and clarified how they could get there. That included how many leads they’d need to generate and how many clients they’d need to sign to achieve their financial goals. And they focused on the value they created for clients.
- Perfect client avatar. They needed to get clear on WHO they wanted to serve, WHY, and HOW they would help them. Joyce clarified her “over 40 professional women” who wanted to regain their strength and confidence. Ricardo clarified working with veterans who have stepped out of the military and need to “refocus their purpose.”
- Pricing and Packaging. They recognized that they needed to stop day-to-day or weekly pricing. They created 3-, 6- and 12-month packages. They then ran a campaign to convert their existing clients to the new, long-term packages.
— From 10 inconsistent clients to 13 clients signed to long-term contracts
— From $2,215 a month to $6,289 a month
— $30,000 in 12-month contracts signed in the first 6 weeks of the NPE ACCELERATOR™ program
— New confidence in the ability to grow the business
— Eager to learn more and grow further
The results have been amazing!
In just 6 weeks, they converted 8 of their existing clients to 12-month contracts. These new packages are worth $30,000 total!
And that’s just the beginning.
They’ve taken their monthly revenues from $2,215 to $6,289, with $5,220 as monthly recurring revenue. They’ve also grown to 13 clients.
“Now we’re at a level where we kind of breathe….[Clients] are on board for the long haul,” says Joyce.
The lesson learned?
“Do not be afraid to ask for help,” said Joyce. “Surround yourself with people that are ahead of where you are now.”