NPE CEO Sean Greeley, “Leading Yourself So You Can Lead Others”

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NPE CEO Sean Greeley believes all problems are leadership problems. In this keynote address, he shares his insights into the self-awareness necessary to lead yourself and how that’s the foundation required before you can lead anyone else.

Hear him explain how fitness business owners need to consistently work on developing their leadership skill sets, both for leading ourselves and leading others, because they will inevitably get stuck somewhere and — developing leadership skills will get them “unstuck”.

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Sean Greeley
Good morning, how are you?

I feel like a little Run DMC to get us started. Fantastic. I’m really excited to kick this thing off. 2017 is been probably the most exciting year I can I can remember in a long time, for many reasons.

Where can I start?

NP hit its 11th anniversary in July. In August, we were recognized for the eighth year in a row on the Inc 505,000 List of fastest growing privately owned US companies, puts us in the one percentile of companies in the United States. That’s unbelievable. Yeah.

I turned 40.

Yeah, just last month,

we reinvented probably everything in our organization this year. And the learning has just been incredible.

And I’m excited.

Who’s ever like, you know,

rebuilt something in their company, or needs to rebuild something that company? Yeah, it’s part of the ongoing journey of entrepreneurship, we all have to be willing to tear down what we built to build something better to go to the next level. So lots of learnings on that this year, great things to share, excited to help you guys continue to see that ahead of time, and continue to progress so that you can get to where you want to be in your journey in life over the next years ahead.

We’re going to talk about today, I think,

the most important topic to kick off this event that I want to share with you for reflection, not just in this hour, but this whole weekend here. And really, as you finish out the end of this year, and set yourself up for where you want to be not just in 2018, but 2020 2022 and beyond. And that is really about leadership. At the end of the day. The greatest responsibility we have to ourselves and others is leadership. If you’re an entrepreneur, if you’re a business owner, who wants to do something that makes an impact in the world. And that’s true, whether you’re coaching fitness clients, and you’re just starting out and helping others, or you’re working on your own goals and progression path and figuring that out, working with a team work in an organization,

Unknown Speaker
multiple locations,

Unknown Speaker
all the things that you’re going to we have people in the room who are working on various stages of and I’m really honored to say that we have a great group of entrepreneurs in this room.

Unknown Speaker
If you’re a stage

Unknown Speaker
one, two, or three business owner, raise your hand.

Unknown Speaker
Raise your hand

Unknown Speaker
nice and high.

Sean Greeley
Yeah, these are folks that are in the earlier stages of growing themselves starting to build a company starting to scale. Beyond the startup phase of entrepreneurship. Everybody has been beyond that remembers what that was like. And frankly, a lot of people don’t make it through that face. Right? Most businesses fail after 18 months. Right? You guys are all beating that statistic,

Unknown Speaker
and you’re progressing.

Sean Greeley
you’re progressing on into stage four, who is stage four business owners

Unknown Speaker
Academy, raise your hand,

Sean Greeley
this is really the growth phase of its gets serious now. And we got real commitments, we got real skin in the game in terms of our liabilities, our payroll or rent. And we’ve got to really tighten

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
the machine to continue to grow

Sean Greeley
and continue to make money. And then we move into stage five, and stage six, who stage five and six, raise your hand, look around the room. This has been the biggest growth

Unknown Speaker
in NP in the past year.

Sean Greeley
We are really developing not just people coming in through those stages of progressing up but also people who are coming in at that level and going to the next level. And that’s something I’m really proud of we have now. Around the world we have five pro Platinum groups of entrepreneurs that we serve, that are doing anywhere from 25 to 100,000 plus a month in revenue and doing big things in the world. And this continues to grow for us in every region Asia Pacific where it just was for a few weeks last month in the UK, which will be next week on London to Wednesday. And and in the US and Canada which is also growing significant who’s the Canadians in the room? Let’s get round applause for the Canadians. Their canes are awesome. We love them.

Unknown Speaker
So lots of great stuff.

Sean Greeley
But I’m going to get into this topic here about leading yourself and I want to start with asking To use is going to be the interactive part of our conversation. What is leadership to you? Let’s hear some some comments.

Unknown Speaker
influence what else?

Sean Greeley
Love that inspire people to want more? Do more be more.

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, Barney.

Unknown Speaker
I love that one be an example. Absolutely. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
Who’s whose gets scared being vulnerable?

Unknown Speaker
Anybody? Everybody, right?

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, Christine.

Sean Greeley
Multiplying yourself. We all have to do that, right? Who’s ever reached like the wall of like, okay, there’s nothing else more

Unknown Speaker
I can do hear. And

Unknown Speaker
so we got to multiply this thing,

Unknown Speaker
right? You haven’t

Sean Greeley
said yet you will. And probably again and again, as you continue to grow. And multiplying yourself is critical to continue to evolve. Your mission, your dreams, your organization, and so on. What else? Who else who’s got contributions here? service? Absolutely. It’s a it’s a big responsibility, right? It just is. be way easier, just you know, do nothing. But to step up and take on that responsibility is a really big commitment.

Unknown Speaker
Organization. Tell me what you mean by that?

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
have your stuff together, right. Got to

Sean Greeley
you can’t go like halfway at this thing. Right? You got it, you got to get yourself together.

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, all of these

Unknown Speaker
things are great examples of, of leadership.

Unknown Speaker
And what I want you to think about right now, and

Unknown Speaker
you can take out your pen and paper and grab your notebook, we’re going to do a little exercise right now. And I want you to think about whatever’s going on right now, in your business and your life. And think about what you’re working towards. And what do you see as the greatest challenge that you’re facing right now, either in your business or in your life? It’s the it’s the one that’s like, you’re knocking right up against it.

Unknown Speaker
And you got to, you

Unknown Speaker
got to figure this thing out to move to the next level, what is that for you everybody’s got something they’re dealing with is a challenge. We all have challenges.

Unknown Speaker
What is that challenge for you today,

Unknown Speaker
and you’re going to write it down. So just for you. But I want to take a time to reflect on this. Because we’re gonna be intentional about our focus throughout the next three days. And really, in a lot of conversations, we’re going to have both in our breakouts on stage in the halls, where we talk about how

Unknown Speaker
to move beyond these

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
So take a moment, write that down, and just reflect on it.

Unknown Speaker
Okay, he gets a challenge.

Unknown Speaker
Yes. All right.

Unknown Speaker
So let’s talk about how we’re going to go conquer that challenge.

Unknown Speaker
Right. That’s what we’re here for. We’re here to find the breakthroughs about how to lead ourselves and others, to overcome obstacles and get to the next level. Right? That’s what it’s all about. That’s the journey. So here’s the moment of truth. Whatever is your challenge. It’s unique to you. You’re not the only one who’s had to face this challenge. I’m sorry, but you’re not a unique

Unknown Speaker
and special snowflake. When it comes to your challenge. Many

Unknown Speaker
other people have faced whatever challenges you’re dealing with right now. And they’ve worked through it. There’s an answer to every challenge. And it’s my belief that all problems are leadership problems. If we’re facing the same thing again and again, and we’re stuck, we’re not able to break through. It’s because we’re not able to lead ourselves, or we’re not able to lead others. Let me say that, again. If you’re facing a challenge, and you’re not able to break through it, you’re not progressively making, you know, steps to move to the other side. That is because you’re unable to either lead yourself effectively, or lead others effectively in overcoming that challenge. And that’s your responsibility to figure out. I can’t do it for you. My team can’t do it for you. It’s your responsibility. We can support you. We can hold you accountable. We can challenge you to bring your best, so you can face that and conquer it. But it’s your responsibility. And we look at that those two, those two areas of leading yourself, or leading others. If you’re not able to lead yourself effectively, you think anyone wants to be led by you,

Unknown Speaker
you think you’re gonna be able to do that job very effectively.

Unknown Speaker
Right? It’s like the

Unknown Speaker
overweight trainer at the gym, talking about how great it is to be fit.

Unknown Speaker
Nobody wants to buy from that guy. Right,

Unknown Speaker
we all got to lead

Unknown Speaker
ourselves before we can lead others effectively, and getting to where we want to be. Right being example, example, not just for others, but for it to yourself,

Unknown Speaker
of whatever it is that you want to be you aspire to be.

Unknown Speaker
But here’s the other part.

Unknown Speaker
Nobody is born with all the answers. We don’t come pre programmed with, like, how to figure this all out easily. That is the journey, figuring it out, working through the challenge, becoming a better version of yourself.

Unknown Speaker
And as you progress through

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
taking on new challenges and leading others, to break through their challenges.

Unknown Speaker
That is leadership.

Unknown Speaker
So I’m gonna bring you back one of my favorite quotes, we referenced it

Unknown Speaker
probably every year here at mega training. And if you were here last year, you saw how Elrod talked about this. On stage, your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development.

Unknown Speaker
Write that one again down again, you can

Unknown Speaker
never get too much of that that quote by Jim Rohn.

Unknown Speaker
If you want to progress further than you have before, in the past 12

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
you will not get there.

Unknown Speaker
Unless you’re continually investing time and energy and resources into your personal development. It’s got to be like breathing every day. And the more you put in, the more you get out. So I’m going to talk about leadership model, we’ve shared this a number of times, I’m going to share some new things on it to you today. A lot of learnings that we’ve been working on this year at our organization, really, breakthroughs that we’ve had shared with our team have helped me. And I can’t say enough good things about this is also from our friends at Infusionsoft. And the best gifts they ever gave me was sharing this model.

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
when you look at this progression path, and you talk about growing your company, growing your business, it really starts at the center of the circle with you.

Unknown Speaker
If your company isn’t

Unknown Speaker
where you want it to be,

Unknown Speaker
it all starts with you.

Unknown Speaker
So use this time to think about how can you better lead yourself.

Unknown Speaker
We all can better lead ourselves. We’re all

Unknown Speaker
getting in our own way, in some way, shape, or form. Usually, the biggest cause of that is we have some

Unknown Speaker
belief, that is

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
but we are believing it and it’s holding us back from breaking through.

Unknown Speaker
Let me give an example.

Unknown Speaker
What are some of the console fitness consultations that you perform with clients every day?

Unknown Speaker
And people that

Unknown Speaker
don’t sign up? What are the some of the reasons they tell you they can’t sign up and they’re not going to be able to progress in work on their fitness? Give me some of the some of the objections.

Unknown Speaker
I don’t have time.

Unknown Speaker
Okay, let’s let’s let’s

Unknown Speaker
pause with that when I don’t have time.

Unknown Speaker
Who hears that again and again every day, from people that walk through your door.

Unknown Speaker
Now they believe that to be true, correct?

Unknown Speaker
That is their reality.

Unknown Speaker
They believe that sure. I don’t have time. But what is the real truth?

Unknown Speaker
We all have the same amount of time. Right? You have the same amount of time that I have. And they have and what’s different about the way we use our time versus the way they’re choosing to use their time. What’s different we’ve prioritized our health and our fitness. And we create space and we discipline ourselves to give ourselves that time because why? Because we believe it’s important and what else. We know that when we do that we actually get more time because we get more energy, we get more capacity, we get more drive, right and that makes us better to do everything else we want to do in our lives. versus just tired and sleeping. And I don’t have time

Unknown Speaker
so hard, right?

Unknown Speaker
We hear that every day.

Unknown Speaker
Well, I will challenge that there were if you’re stuck right now, in something you’ve been stuck in for about who’s been stuck in something for a while. Okay, I would challenge that part of that issue is you are holding on to some belief that is holding you back, just like your client believes, I don’t have the time to fit to do fitness, I don’t have time to make time for fitness. And that becomes their reality, and therefore they don’t progress. There are some belief you’re probably holding on to

Unknown Speaker
that is holding you back as well.

Unknown Speaker
I don’t know what that is.

Unknown Speaker
But I’ll tell you, when you spend time with people that are ahead of where you are, which is one of the best things that you can do on the break your stage one, two or three business owner, go talk to stage fours. If you’re stage four, go talk to stage five, your stage five, go talk to stage six. And tell them your excuses or reasons why you’re stuck and can’t succeed. Know what they’re going to tell you. Oh, yeah, I remember that. And I did this and this and this. And here’s what I did. And my role change. And it always comes

Unknown Speaker
down to

Unknown Speaker
going within ourselves, renegotiating our commitments, changing our beliefs, and changing our patterns or behavior. And when we get serious about that the world changes, right, who’s

Unknown Speaker
been through any type of transformation, a Life Fitness,

Unknown Speaker
business, whatever,

Unknown Speaker
and think about when it sucked, and you got serious and you made a commitment and everything changed.

Unknown Speaker
Who can identify with that?

Unknown Speaker
Guess what? Same story now, that hasn’t changed. So if you want to grow beyond where you are today, you’ve got to make a new commitment to yourself. And you got to get more serious than you’ve been about whatever is the issue. And whatever’s required of you to overcome that issue.

Unknown Speaker
Or don’t, and repeat this for another 12 months,

Unknown Speaker
and then get another shot at 12 months again.

Unknown Speaker
But it’s your choice, we get to make those decisions and commitments to ourselves.

Unknown Speaker
And that shapes our reality.

Unknown Speaker
And when you get to lead a company, it starts with you, it starts with yourself, then it’s about leading others, maybe it’s your team directly, maybe it’s your clients, right. And then it’s about leading other leaders, right, your staff that’s leading other people. And then it’s about really being organization. And if we’re not really strong at every ring of that circle,

Unknown Speaker
it’s chaos on the outside.

Unknown Speaker
Right. So if you’re feeling like it’s a little loose out here, go back to the center, tighten up your game. Because then you got energy, you got drive your capacity to really get anything you want to accomplish. So this is a leadership progression model we’ve been working on. This past year in our company, it’s probably one of the best things we’ve ever done. I could talk all day about lots of different areas of this. We spend a lot of time with our pro and our Platinum clients now. And Tiffany Stewart, you’re going to hear from today is going to share some things about this. And definitely they’re doing a lot in the breakouts for that group today as well. But it starts with yourself, which is what I’m going to focus on for everybody. Because wherever you are in your entrepreneurial journey in your business, tightening up your personal leadership this weekend, is gonna help you overcome that better and faster. And so that’s what I want to spend the time focused on today. Here’s a great quote I’ve got for the most dangerous leadership myth. Right? This is myth, this is not fact this is myth is that leaders are born, that there’s a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense. In fact, the opposite is true leaders are made rather than born. Leaders are made rather than born. So nobody is born a leader. You’ve got to become a leader. How do you become a leader, you got to face challenges and you got to lead yourself through them. Then you got to face more challenges lead others through their challenges. And the more you do that, the better better you get. That’s how you become a leader. It is only through the journey, that you become a leader and a better leader. So the challenge you wrote down this is this is your opportunity to grow.

Unknown Speaker
That’s the game

Unknown Speaker
and you grow you overcome your challenge. You get achieve whatever success looks like for you. But more importantly, you’ve acquired a skill set inability

Unknown Speaker
that you have now. For the rest of your life. And that’s a gift

Unknown Speaker
that you can share with so many other people to make an impact

Unknown Speaker
in the world,

Unknown Speaker
whether it be your team,

Unknown Speaker
your family, your friends, you name it. So I want to start with personal vision. Because this is where personal leadership begins is in your personal vision. And taking time to really think about where do you want to be in the next five years, personally and professionally? Right, five years from now? We’re going to be here, it’s going to be 2022.

Unknown Speaker
And where do you want to be?

Unknown Speaker
What does that look like?

Unknown Speaker
And why does that matter? Why is that important to you?

Unknown Speaker
I’ll tell you one most interesting things, is asking that question, why five times. Because I guarantee, the more you examine your personal answers and reflect on those,

Unknown Speaker
you’re going to find that your vision is going to change.

Unknown Speaker
And what you thought was most important to you

Unknown Speaker
may not be most important to you.

Unknown Speaker
But you don’t get that clarity, unless you really challenge yourself to ask those questions.

Unknown Speaker
and not be afraid to listen to the answers,

Unknown Speaker
whatever that is for you. That’s your truth.

Unknown Speaker
Right? But listen to those answers.

Unknown Speaker
And why I challenge you to think about five years is because most people are not thinking about five years.

Unknown Speaker
They’re thinking about today, this week, next month, maybe three months. And that’s the default line. Most everybody, including us if we’re not leading ourselves very well. And again, if you’re facing the same challenge again, and again, you’re probably not leading yourself very well. I’ve been through a lot of different times in life, where I’ve led myself very poorly. Right. That’s also how you become a better leader, you got to suck and make some mistakes, and work through some messy things

Unknown Speaker
that makes you better.

Unknown Speaker
Right, but we become emotionally reactive. We kind of deal with whatever’s fires coming at us. And we’re not strategically working towards the result or the futures with the success we want to have. Right? It just happens in different areas, right? So think about that five year vision. Really challenge yourself to think about that this weekend. And when you go home, spend some time getting clarity on that, and then breaking that down five year to three year three year to one year, one year to three months. Right? So the end of January at this point. And then back into the end of November, what do you in the next 30 days. Because I guarantee you what you do in the next 30 days from now the end of November, is actually

Unknown Speaker
going to set up success

Unknown Speaker
for the next three months, the next 12 months.

Unknown Speaker
It’s what you prioritize and take action on.

Unknown Speaker
And generally that requires some significant pivots.

Unknown Speaker
Right? We’ve been focusing over here and we got to

Unknown Speaker
burn that to the ground,

Unknown Speaker
we got to focus over here.

Unknown Speaker
But this is the time for you this weekend, this space where you don’t have all the things going on in life for you that are, you know, grabbing at your energy, and you get to reset that course. Right? And that focus. That’s what I want for you this weekend.

Unknown Speaker
So get clear on that mission.

Unknown Speaker
Break down, what are those milestones for you, they’re going to get you there. And this takes time. This takes consistent effort and time.

Unknown Speaker
It’s got to be working on this

Unknown Speaker
a lot. very intentionally.

Unknown Speaker
Let me ask you, there there, we all naturally lean one way or the other. Some people are very good with the details and the specific plans, but struggle with like the big picture, the long term vision,

Unknown Speaker
if that’s you raise your hand.

Unknown Speaker
Like you’re good with it the next few months, but five years? I don’t know about that. Raise your hand nice and high. Raise your hand. Okay, you are what’s called a sensory

Unknown Speaker
personality type.

Unknown Speaker
They make up 70% of our population.

Unknown Speaker
All right. Now if you’re the other

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
you’re great big picture. Like I know exactly where I’d be in 510 years. But I have no idea what I’m doing to get there. Who’s that? Yeah, this is majority of entrepreneurs, which is why our room is shaped more in that side.

Unknown Speaker
Right That’s intuitive.

Unknown Speaker
So you’re an intuitive now

Unknown Speaker
Depending on and we it’s not like we’re 100%,

Unknown Speaker
one way or the other, it’s a sliding scale, right? We might

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
70%, here, 30% might be

Unknown Speaker
60%, there 5050 might be even split.

Unknown Speaker
But we have strengths and weaknesses on both sides of this. And we’ve got to work on both sides to really, ultimately lead ourselves where we want to go. You got to have the big picture. But then you also gotta have the small pieces, they’re going to get you there. Right. So what does that look like? Depending on where you are in the scale?

Unknown Speaker
I’m going to share a couple of things on that with you.

Unknown Speaker
So sensories, okay, who are sensories? The ones who are good at that the short term plans, but not the long term, right?

Unknown Speaker
Okay, so

Unknown Speaker
you guys tend to think about the immediate details, but not the far our vision

Unknown Speaker
80% of this is just getting a vision down, don’t

Unknown Speaker
overthink the vision, just get something out of your head start work, start

Unknown Speaker
having something you’re thinking about working towards.

Unknown Speaker
And be practical, explaining why you’re doing this. Right? Why are we doing these, these immediate steps? Well, it’s practical, because we’re getting to some where indivision. Right.

Unknown Speaker
And then

Unknown Speaker
say no leaps of faith be clear on the high level plan. So you can conceptually understand how it comes together, you’ve got to understand the high level. So things you’re working on are going to move you forward.

Unknown Speaker
Now, we’ve got a lot of

Unknown Speaker
intuitives in the room, right.

Unknown Speaker
So most struggle, intuitive level with getting a detailed plan to execute. Right, great on the big picture, have no idea how this is gonna get there. Right. And so working on details can drain your energy,

Unknown Speaker
if this is you.

Unknown Speaker
And that’s why we’ve got to start to take more practical way to approach our dreams, right dreams don’t happen just because we think about them. They happen because we start breaking down steps we can believe we can believe in we can start moving forward. And we have

Unknown Speaker
really hard deadlines and clear

Unknown Speaker
objectives, deliverables that are going to

Unknown Speaker
really be our best friend.

Unknown Speaker
Right? Because when we have those baby steps, we execute on those.

Unknown Speaker
Wow, we move forward.

Unknown Speaker
Right? We’ve got to spend time getting clear, what are those baby steps the step of the way, and then go do them. Now, big picture, this is not rocket science, right? But actually executing it consistently in our life in

Unknown Speaker
our personal life, in our vision in our business,

Unknown Speaker
is where we fail, we all fail on some level.

Unknown Speaker
And we’ve got to get better

Unknown Speaker
at leading ourselves in these areas.

Unknown Speaker
So we can be a better leader

Unknown Speaker
for others. Right all starts with you if you want to do better here.

Unknown Speaker
So some questions for you to think about.

Unknown Speaker
And you can just make some notes to yourself, we’re gonna be working on this throughout the whole the whole weekend, is how does your personal vision, your personal vision for your life? And where you want your personal life to be and look like? And when you wake up five years from today?

Unknown Speaker
How does it align to your current role?

Unknown Speaker
Where does it line up? Where does it not line up?

Unknown Speaker
And do you need to be successful in your current role to achieve revision? So great, let’s go do it. If not, then maybe you’re in the wrong role, we got to shift your role,

Unknown Speaker
which is also sometimes the case.

Unknown Speaker
But get that clarity for yourself.

Unknown Speaker
And I find that you know, having worked with a lot of people on this.

Unknown Speaker
It’s not uncommon.

Unknown Speaker
Where we realize that our personal vision and our business vision aren’t matching today.

Unknown Speaker
And some realignment is helpful.

Unknown Speaker
And frankly, at every stage, the tighter we align those things. The more fulfilled the more energized,

Unknown Speaker
the more happy we’re going to we’re going to be in the morning, we’re going

Unknown Speaker
to enjoy the journey, enjoy the ride, have some fun along the way.

Unknown Speaker
And it should be fun.

Unknown Speaker
You’re having fun, you’re not doing the right. So how to remember to have some fun.

Unknown Speaker
Another great quote I got for Ken

Unknown Speaker
Kesey says you don’t lead by pointing and telling people someplace to go, lead by going to that place and making a case. Right going in that place and making a case. And when you’ve led yourself to that place, you can make a case for others to follow suit. Right? How can you help them apply those principles to leading themselves to where they want to be? And can you align that with your organization? path and journey and destination where you want to be.

Unknown Speaker
Sounds easy. Sounds simple.

Unknown Speaker
But it takes a lot of practice to get really good at this.

Unknown Speaker
And this is this is what ultimately will determine how far you go in your entrepreneurial journey. Because everybody reaches a wall, at some point where your business can no longer grow beyond you, you’ve reached your personal limitations, right, and we actually run up against those again and again,

Unknown Speaker
because we’ve got to continue to multiply

Unknown Speaker
as a couple people said, we got to continue to multiply ourselves to continue to grow.

Unknown Speaker
So this is this is the most important skill

Unknown Speaker
set, you’re ever going to work on. sales, marketing, finance, all that stuff’s important.

Unknown Speaker
But the foundation of it all

Unknown Speaker
is the ability to lead yourself and others to grow.

Unknown Speaker
Alright, multiplying yourself, let’s get right into this part, the better you know yourself, the better you’re going to lead yourself.

Unknown Speaker
Now at 40 years old.

Unknown Speaker
I’d like to think I know myself pretty well.

Unknown Speaker
However, I tell you what, even this past year, spending a lot of intentional time on this. I’ve learned a lot of things about myself that I didn’t know.

Unknown Speaker
And reinforce some of the things I didn’t know.

Unknown Speaker
But it’s given me more clarity than I’ve ever had in my

Unknown Speaker
life. And that clarity

Unknown Speaker
allows us to go crush it.

Unknown Speaker
We got to know how best to play the game, given

Unknown Speaker
who we are.

Unknown Speaker
Right? What are your strengths? What are your superpowers?

Unknown Speaker
What are you best at? And what gifts

Unknown Speaker
and talents should you leverage the most? We all have gifts and talents. Right? There’s things that we we just do great. And there’s things that we

Unknown Speaker
struggle that we suck at.

Unknown Speaker
Right? What’s your kryptonite?

Unknown Speaker
What gets in the way

Unknown Speaker
of you being

Unknown Speaker
your most powerful self? What holds you back from that? The more clarity you can get on the answers to these two questions, the more you can set up yourself for success, and be that example to others.

Unknown Speaker
And helping them do the same.

Unknown Speaker
So a couple of resources I’ll share with you for getting clear about your strengths, your superpowers.

Unknown Speaker
Strengths Finder 2.0, who’s done that?

Unknown Speaker
If you haven’t done it,

Unknown Speaker
20 bucks online really easy. You can search strengthsfinder 2.0 online quiz 20 bucks, it’s going to give you some information. It’s a helpful tool.

Unknown Speaker
But the most

Unknown Speaker
absolutely most helpful tool is to ask for feedback. How Elrod who again, if you saw him last year, he talks about this in his book, and it’s the Miracle Morning. And if you’ve done this, raise your hand to send out an email to some close friends and family and ask them you know, how they perceive you. And where you think you get for who sent that email out. And you sent out and been like, Oh my gosh, I can’t breathe right now. But I’m going to send this anyway. Right? It’s not easy to ask for critical feedback about how you’re showing up in the world today. Because that feedback, and Emily usually stings a little bit. Right? our ego gets a little bruised, because we might we’d like to think we’re doing great. We’d like to feel we’re doing great when we have to face the realities of

Unknown Speaker
we’re not really showing up that way.

Unknown Speaker
And frankly, you know, this is causing some areas of disruption in some some ways. We’ve got to decide to face that

Unknown Speaker
and work through it. It’s uncomfortable,

Unknown Speaker
just like anything any growth is uncomfortable like working out it’s uncomfortable. But you want to face that that uncomfortable feedback again and again. and work through it you get better.

Unknown Speaker
Right, you get better. So this is something

Unknown Speaker
these actually are not my

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my order.

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Mine is actually achievers number one for me.

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I know it’s a surprise. But achievers number one free learners number two. But here’s the question. I want to encourage you to send this out to friends, family, coworkers, your team that send this question out to them, just send them a direct message. You can do it today. See what comes back?

Unknown Speaker
send it out to five people that

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you know know you well. I did this. This year.

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I sent it out to like

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my mom, my brother, so friends,

Unknown Speaker
colleagues and co workers, and ask them this is a great way to kind of ask the strengths question, what do they perceive to be your strengths? What type of problems? Would you be looking to solve that you’d reach out? For me to help with? Right? What do they see is your strengths where if they had an issue here, they would come to you and ask for your help with that issue? Essentially, what we’re asking and see what comes back. This, essentially, you’re looking for patterns of how other people perceive your strength. Because most cases, as humans, we just kind of suck in terms of self awareness, we really do. We really do. And we’ve got to ask for that feedback, we got to be willing to listen to it. And that helps us grow and improve. So ask for that feedback from, from people that know you well. This was actual feedback that I got from family, friends, colleagues, they told me get me motivated to do something I know I’m capable

Unknown Speaker
of doing but can’t get out of my own way to do it.

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That was pretty cool. That was actually my brother, strategy and process. Based on what I’m trying to achieve, I reach out to you to help solidify the strategic approach, and how to build effective processes to execute that strategy. Strategy is a big part of my superpower. That’s something you really, really well. So I know, that’s where I should, I need to focus a lot of my energy because it makes a big impact. And I can crush

Unknown Speaker
that leadership,

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assertiveness and

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exit executive presence to set a vision, honest feedback, and decisiveness

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was from a good friend of mine.

Unknown Speaker
So, ask for that feedback.

Unknown Speaker
Listen to what people tell you, and get clear on what you do best. And what other people see you do best, it may not be what you think you do best. But you will see patterns as you start to put this together. And you identify more of what your natural gifts and talents are. And I’ll tell you, the more that we can align our energy and focus to where we do best.

Unknown Speaker
We just make a bigger impact everywhere we go.

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Whether it be in your personal life, your business with your team, with clients, whatever it be, you’re just going to make a bigger impact.

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That’s where you want to focus your time.

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kryptonite. What’s your kryptonite? What do you not good at? What do you have challenges with? A couple great things they’ll share. Myers Briggs, if you you guys, we’ve talked about this many times. For those who’ve been around a while. The test is 16 personalities calm is a free test, you can take it Tell me about your Myers Briggs type. For me, I’ll share a couple of my I got a couple more my notes here. So for me, I’m what’s called a n TJ, which is a commander. I know it’s also shocker. But that’s my personality type. And another one I’ll share is we spent time with this year called Five voices urge you to check that out. It’s a great resource. I’ll talk about it here in just a moment. For me, pioneer is my my major voice I’m great at strategy and planning and execution.

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My weakness sometimes is

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nurture. I know. It’s tough, so tough to see like, I’m not always giving hugs all the time.

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And so I have to be intentional about not

Unknown Speaker
like coming off as a Terminator, or Robocop as some of my friends like to call me at times. So if that’s an intentional area for me, because it can be a real threat, if people perceive I’m just,

Unknown Speaker
you know, heartless, which

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is not true. I’m just very strategic and focused. But whatever that is for you, whatever is your kryptonite, you have to be aware of it so you can be intentional about it. I’ll show you some things that came out for me with this.

Unknown Speaker
These are things that

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this is my superpower statement.

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So share this with

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you. I strategically identify the greatest opportunities for success to lead committed entrepreneurs, teams and individuals in achieving their goals. That’s what I do best, right? I can strategically identify the greatest opportunities. That’s just I don’t know how I was just, that’s my talent. And I can help lead other people through that.

Unknown Speaker
My kryptonite,

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these are and I focus on these every day now. I wake

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up, I look

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at him. And I’m intentional about trying not to cause a train wreck as I go through my day with my kryptonite. So this one for three of them. Number one is take time to truly hear the views and opinions of others on the team.

Unknown Speaker
Take time to truly hear the opinions of others on the team.

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Sometimes I’m just like cranking

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and I don’t give space

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because I’m a pioneer some the loudest voice right I can dominate The space. But I’ve got to step back and allow other people to step into that room. Beware of intellectual superiority superiority complexes, I know it’s tough to see as well. You don’t have all the best ideas, sometimes you’re actually wrong.

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
I actually love being wrong now, because I love to see how other great leaders can contribute, and give them space to do so. And I get to do a whole lot less work that way.

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be intentional,

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take time to think, think through how you can create a culture where other voices can bring their best. That’s a big one for me. How can I intentionally create culture in our organization and on our team, and within this room for all of our clients, all of you. So when you go home, you work with your teams, your clients, your family?

Unknown Speaker
How can you help others bring their best,

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because I guarantee you’re not going to get very far unless you get

Unknown Speaker
allow other people to bring their best and create space and environment for them to do so consistently. That’s how you’re gonna get more freedom, and more leverage, and doing whatever it is you want to do and overcoming whatever challenges in your way to getting to the to the mission. So this is a again, five voices to share this with you, you can grab a book, you can take a test online, really simple. These are the five voices. Again, we’ve got nurture, Guardian, creative connector and pioneer. This is a great model to learn a little more about when you’re leading yourself, you’re going to find what is your natural, strongest voice,

Unknown Speaker
you’re really strong here.

Unknown Speaker
And where’s like your weakest force, like you just suck at that one. Sorry, we all have one that we’re not good at at least one, if not two, or three. Become aware of that, and have some intentional focus to counteract that. Because I guarantee there’s some area in your life, or within the people around you where you create havoc in some way, shape, or form. We all do it

Unknown Speaker
to ourselves and to others.

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But unless you become aware of that become intentionally focused on improving it, it’s not going to get better. Again, start with the self awareness piece, right? Ask for that feedback.

Unknown Speaker
And listen to it.

Unknown Speaker
So identify those critical two, and figure out which ones you’re going to focus on each day. I can’t say enough good things about this, when you have that focus, you can be intentional throughout the day, you win the day you win the week, you win the week, you win the month, when the month when the year, right, that’s how we do it.

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And then can deliver results.

Unknown Speaker
So this is the part,

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if you’re a sensory, this is where you thrive. If you’re an intuitive, you’ve got to take time to think more strategically about this and break the things down that are going to get you to your big goal. Right, we start to organize our month. So now to the end of November, that’s going to set up to the end of January, which is going to set up to the end of 2018, which is going to set up to 2020 and 2020 to write our five year vision,

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which is a really big deal.

Unknown Speaker
And just think about how you can actually start this weekend to move forward in that five year vision and get out of the default line of emotionally reactive hamster wheel that everybody else is on. That’s the norm. Get out of that you’ve been out of that at many times in your life. We’ve all had those growth phases where we’re like, this is awesome. I’m crushing it, right? How do we stay on that line, this is how we do it.

Unknown Speaker
And then Id

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identify right critical people needed to execute your plans. If you try to do this in a silo, you’re gonna fail, you’re most likely going to fail. You’ve got to identify other people are going to be critical to supporting you. And I can’t think of a better room a more supportive, powerful strategic leaders and entrepreneurs than then in NP in this room this weekend. Our staff, our coaches, partners, people are sitting at the table with you’ve got all the resources you need here to get to where you want to be. But identify a couple people at least two if not three, or four more that you can connect with over the next few days. And ask them to support you in your plan in your execution of your plan. And then start to hit those baby goals right Again, we know this sounds simple. What are we doing it? We’re not if we’re not moving forward, right? We’re just not. We’re stuck in some way. So how do you unstuck yourself, this is how you, you get unstuck. I’m just reinforcing what you have experienced already at some point in your life. But how do we refocus that to move forward this weekend? That’s what I want for you. And when you do that, you get to really take the reins, and lead an extraordinary life. And I’m so impressed by the caliber of people that we have in this room and how it’s been growing. And getting better and better and better the caliber of people that are attracting coming into NP, especially with our incredible growth of stage five and six business owners we’re seeing, it’s really impressive. And you guys are leading yourselves to an extraordinary life.

Unknown Speaker
But the better you can do this,

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the better you can be an example for others, the better you can help your team, the better you can help your family members, your friends, your colleagues, do the same. And the more you can help them, the more you get to learn and grow in the process as well. Just continue on that loop. Right, one of my all time members just say you can’t give it away. You can’t give it away, it just comes right back to you. Right. Just you can’t do too much of it. The more you give, the more you get back. So do that. Do that for someone else. I guarantee there’s someone else who looks up to you, sees you as an incredible example, and would benefit so much from you supporting them in their goals. And if you don’t matter, someone today, find someone to mentor them.

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It will make you better.

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And we’ll also reinforce where you need to get out of your own way to measure yourself better. Because you’re gonna be faced with that again and again through that process.

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But do that, have fun with it?

Unknown Speaker
All right, we’ve got a another quote here. By Covey, personal leadership is not a singular exercise. We’re starting the process here this morning. Right, we’ve got a busy three days ahead. But it is rather the ongoing process of keeping your vision and your values before you

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and aligning your

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life to be congruent with those most important things.

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That is the challenge. We don’t get to do this one time.

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We got to continually engage the process of

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looking at her vision.

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Look, and make sure you define that vision if it’s unclear.

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Get clear on the path.

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And then keep that align with our values and keep our life aligned to be congruent with what’s most important to us.

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Simple yet incredibly challenging.

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Welcome to life. So

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we’re gonna get into this we’ve got a fantastic three days plan for you guys. And I want you to think about that challenge you showed up with and go right to work on it. As we get into our continue sessions this morning,

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our talks or breaks

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come up say hello love to connect with each of you over the next few days. hear about what’s going on with you how we can support you. We’re going to have a great mega training. So get ready and let’s begin

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