Jake Steinfeld - You’re Not Alone ... How To Break Out Of Your Silo To Grow Your Fitness Business

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The fitness industry is filled with “millions of little islands”–business owners trying to figure everything out on their own–but the more the owners get together, the stronger they’ll all be.

Hear Jake Steinfeld, actor, fitness trainer, and founder of Body by Jake, FitTV, and Major League Lacrosse offer his thoughts on overcoming obstacles such as stuttering, and the importance of “Don’t Quit!” as a philosophy that creates later success.

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Amanda Salas
NPE TV is so honored to have actor fitness personality and author Jake Steinfeld here for the weekend. Jake. It’s so good to see

Jake Steinfeld
Amanda. Thank you for that little nice, that nice introduction. My good. It’s true. It’s great. I mean, this has it been a great conference, I had a ball. I gotta

Amanda Salas
say, we’re here in Orlando. The airports have a lot of lines. Disney World has a ton of lines. But I don’t think I’ve seen a bigger line than people lined up to get your signature on. Oh,

Jake Steinfield
come on. Thank you. It was great. Yeah, listen, you know what’s nice, their fitness people and and we, I think the most important thing and that you bring this up. It’s It’s nice when fitness people get together because this is an industry, interestingly enough of it’s made up of millions of little islands, as opposed to trying to figure things out together. I think the more people try to do things together, I think the better off a public gets. But I think the better off the industry becomes. And I think it’s the feeling of you know, I didn’t touch on this in the speech. But there are some people who think that if a man is successful, and there’s not enough success for me, as opposed to well, if a man is successful, then maybe we could do something together and make the success even double.

Amanda Salas
Right? Definitely. Not only did you put your autograph on that book, you said don’t quit. Yeah. Did anyone tell you to stop? Or do anyone tell you not to stop what you’re doing? Are you self motivated? Yeah.

Jake Steinfield
Well, listen, you know, I tell a story. I was a fat kid with a bad stutter growing up. And in eighth grade, I got cut from my eighth grade basketball team, true story. And this this girl that I knew, in school gave me this poem, called don’t quit. It was on a plaque. I still have it in my office. It’s an anonymous poem. And I ended up actually trademarking the words don’t quit in 1981. And I own those words, don’t quit. And it means everything to me. And there’s and there’s the poem, and we stick to the fight when your hardest hit, it’s when things seem worse, that you must not quit. And you know, listen, everybody has days, it gets challenging. I have all the time. And, and it’s a, you know, I recite that poem in the morning, I recite that poem in the evening. And I might do it a couple of times in the afternoon. But it’s something that so there’s a line of their success is failure turned inside out, they still have a 10th of the clouds down, and you never can tell how close you are. It may be near when it seems so far. So stick to the fight when your hardest hit, it’s when things seem worse, that you must not quit. And it it really is the case that like I told the gang during the speech, stay with it. You know, take a shot. Don’t quit on yourself. You know, you never know if I if I stay another week. If I try to do this for another month. Or if you stop right now you’ll never know. That’s right. You know,

Amanda Salas
that’s why you’re here. Jake, you shot your inspiration. You have the figures to back it up over $600 million in sales with your famous body by Jake products. Yeah. So what is the one thing you want to get across to all the attendees and everybody that you meet?

Jake Steinfield
They can do it too. They can absolutely do it, too. I mean, there’s nothing special about me. It’s just a matter that I that I took the shot that you got to have enough balls, and get up there and get out there and not be afraid to fail and not be afraid to get told no. Because by the way, when you get told no 14,000 times. It’s like I said it’s halfway to Yes. And and and at least they’re responding. You know, hey, you told me no. So you mean to have a chance? You know? Is it Jim Carrey? And was it Dumb and Dumber? It’s a great line. And he asked the girl he says, So would you go we know would you go out with me? Well, is one in a million. So you tell me I got a chance. I remember that lie. Yes, I do. I live by that. Dumb and Dumber.

Amanda Salas
I love that movie. And I love that line best. So tell us what is next for you. What’s next for Jake Stein?

Jake Steinfield
You know, there’s there’s always a bunch of things going on. One of the things that that we’re very involved in right now is this platform called fit orbit, which which is a web platform that I launched four years ago. That connects a consumer to a real life personal trainer online, or a mobile device. It’s fit, orbit calm. But the really cool thing about it now is you just bought in a partner in wellpoint, which is anthem, the big healthcare provider. Yeah. And my dream has always been to be able to connect a doctor to a trainer and a nutritionist for you, where Hollywood stars get that treatment all the time for the general public can’t afford that and the opportunity that wellpoint sees in prevention, which is so important, because you know, if you’re healthy Look, the goal for everybody would be great to live to 90 some odd years old. Kiss your wife, goodnight, 90 some odd go to bed. Don’t wake up and magnificent. You’re happy husbands happy right to health care providers happy but you should never have to see a doctor. And that’s really the goal. So with wellpoint understanding that makes me feel Honored, first of all, to have a partner in wellpoint, they have 43 million members across the great country of ours. And it’s a real opportunity now to help people with prevention and type two diabetes curable disease and have to get into that. But it’s, it’s, it’s really important that that we need to give people the tools in order to succeed, because most people, I would imagine if you asked everyone, well, all folks here are all in shape anyway. But if you ask anybody, would you like to be in shape? I think everybody was raised to n and say, yes, we’d like to know that everything in your closet fit, right? Absolutely. Well, then coming not doing anything about it. Because I don’t know how to get started, right? Because that’s the thing. So that’s fit orbit works so beautifully. Because it’s, you’re you’re you’re able to deal with a client and a trainer in this virtual world of the web, where it’s less intrusive. And I made the bet that I said that you will be very open and honest, brutally honest. If I’m not sitting in front of you, if I’ve come to your house, and I say okay, Amanda, maybe yesterday, I asked you to eat this, and then it is and then the workout. Did you do the push up so you can look at me? Because you’re not gonna want to hurt my feelings. You don’t want to feel like chucklehead. So you’re gonna go? Yeah, I did, Jake. But I know you did. And you know you did, right. But when I don’t have to see it, you don’t have to see me. You say I didn’t do it. And by the way, he said at the food that he had chocolate cake, which is okay, so the trainer can fix it for you. Because what happens is, you take a fitness profile, right? The member, and you get matched up to three real live trainers. And then you choose one of those trainers. And that trend will make your meal plan breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner, and a workout routine for you every day. And you get checked in on as much or as little as you want. And that’s and the testimonials have been out of control. So that’s that’s one great thing. The other is, you know, now the national the chair, the National Foundation for governance, fitness councils, I love it, which is, which is really fun. I spent seven years in California, as chair of the fitness Council in California, six on the Ronald and one with Jerry Brown and had two terrific initiatives. I was able to launch one of them being putting fitness centers in schools and doing it without the government funding a taxpayer money. I decided, let’s get the public and private sector working together. Let’s work with companies like Coca Cola. Well, you know, they want to do the right thing. And I think you would agree, Amanda, I don’t think you see a Coca Cola commercial on television that says drink 12 cokes? No, I think that people will drink the 12 cokes. They will blame a soda company or a cereal company that kids see them drinking 12 sodas or four Big Macs. And then the kids get big. And then they blame the teachers and the schools except people need to take responsibility. Right? We as a society that needs to take a look in the mirror. And lead by example. I’m a dad, you know, everything in moderation now. I train so I could eat. You know, that’s why it’s fun. And we go from state to state putting fitness centers in schools. And I’m actually off today this afternoon to Pittsburgh, with the great Governor Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania, to a ribbon cutting and ped in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, South Allegheny Middle School. Wow. And then Monday we’ll be with Deval Patrick, the governor of Massachusetts. Announcing three fitness centers. Oh, great. To the east coast. Yeah, no hundred percent. So we’ve we’ve already done for in Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, Massachusetts. Next up is Ohio, Delaware, Georgia, in New Jersey.

Amanda Salas
That’s great. Yeah, that’s it. That’s it, you’re starting a movement. And that’s great.

Jake Steinfield
Well, the fun thing for me is it’s good. The schools, the tools, you know, academics and fitness go hand in hand. And what we’ve been able to see is when you put a fitness center in school, it’s unbelievable what happens in the middle school, you see teenage pregnancies down, gang violence is down, test scores go up. Kids are happy that healthier. parents come in to use the fitness center on the weekends. It’s really, you know, a lot of us take a fitness center for granted. But when we put these fitness centers, they don’t have them. And it’s brand new equipment, right? So it’s just it’s smoking. And people love it. It’s great. And what’s fun, too, is the gift really starts to give when we leave. Which which, which makes it fun.

Amanda Salas
Fitness is fun. And

you’re This is fun.

This is fun. You’re showing the kids that it can definitely be fun and the parents are getting involved. You’re so involved. You know the numbers don’t lie, do extremely well. You’re extremely successful, but you’re also very well connected. And you care a lot about giving back and you’ve trained everyone from Steven Spielberg. Yes. Do you ever train your beautiful niece Haley?

Jake Steinfield
Uh, you know, I don’t she does her own thing, man. And that’s it. It’s awesome. It’s really proud of her. It’s pretty amazing to see You know, it’s a big movie star now. Pretty good. Yeah. Oh, good.

Good. How about that? Pretty cool. It’s fun in the family.

Well, I have any Oscar nominations. You know, my third episode of Big Brother Jake was a doozy though.

Amanda Salas
That’s right. That’s right. Can you talk about your show speaking out?

Jake Steinfield
You know what, yeah, we have a bunch of different things. We have an animated project that we’re working on. I’m working on with john outro. And Dave Krinsky. Who those are the guys that wrote and that that wrote a great movie called blades of glory, for Will Ferrell. Yeah. And they produced and wrote King of the Hill for nine years. And we have an animated show that they’ve animated me that’s a it’s it’s Jake today and fat Jake as a kid called rifted, which is gonna be really very cool. And, and then obviously, America’s next fitness star is something that I’m super excited about. It’s a it’s something where I believe it could be huge, you know?

It definitely American Idol for singers we have project Well, if you

think about it, and by the way, everybody in their mother thinks they could be a fitness trainer, you know, everybody and their brother thinks that they can sell a fitness product on television. So we want to meet all of them, you know? And it’s going to be interesting to see now where you don’t it’s still a ways off because that’s how tell it you know, you’re in television and you know how it works. So it’s uh, but you know, lean horse for a long races I say and I said, and then we’re going into our 13th season a major league lacrosse, which is, you know, I found in Major League lacrosse in in 2000. And everybody said, You’re out of your mind, and we thought we were too and here we are. 13 years later, and the game has become the fastest growing game in the country. So it’s

no, bad.

Amanda Salas
Well, stay tuned for more Jake Stein Hill coming to you looking for you. I don’t want to Yeah,

Jake Steinfield
don’t quit. Don’t but but we have to. This is a miniseries we’re doing a lot of places

to go. Thank you. So you’re

telling me I got a chance.

So you say I got it. I love it.

Amanda Salas
You can keep up with NP TV through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, so that you can stay connected wherever your travels may take you.

Jake Steinfield
Hey, gang, I’m Jacob body by Jake and you’re watching NPE TV.

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