Email Whitelisting

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Thanks for subscribing to NPE – now don’t miss out!

You’ll need to whitelist our email address to receive updates from us so you can grow your business and create the life you want.

What’s a whitelist?

A whitelist is a list of email addresses or domain names that are allowed to pass through your spam filter or junk folder and go straight to your inbox.

Why are whitelists so important?

Email services and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) put blocking or filtering systems in place to help protect you from unsolicited and unwanted advertising email.

But these systems may also prevent you from receiving emails and subscriptions that you’ve requested because it looks like spam.

Add us to your whitelist to stay in the loop!

Whitelisting is quick and easy – we’ve included instructions below for some of the most popular ones. If yours isn’t on our list, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) customer service for their instructions. 


  1. In your inbox, locate an email from (NPE) Sean Greeley or the email address 
  2. Drag this email to the “primary” tab of your inbox.

3. Our emails will go straight to your primary folder in the future!

Mac Mail

  1. Select “Mail” and “Preferences” from the top menu.
  1. In the “Preferences” window, click the “Rules” icon.
  2. Click the “Add Rule” button.
  1. In the “Rules” window, type a name for your rule in the “Description” field.
  2. Use the following settings: “If any of the following conditions are met: From Contains.” Type the senders’ email address in the text field beside “Contains.”
  3. Under “Perform the following actions,” select “Move Message” and “Inbox” from the drop-down menus. Click “Ok” to save the rule.

Outlook 2003 and Later

  1. Right-click on the message in your inbox.
  2. Select “Junk E-mail” from the menu.
  3. Mark “Not As Junk”
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