Graham & Allison Brown – “From Rock Bottom To Increasing Revenue 20x And Creating A Dream Life For Their Family!”
Graham and Alison Brown started at rock bottom.
They took over Alison’s mother’s fitness center when they graduated college because they had a passion for fitness. But the business was in errors to the government for over $150k, they owed back rent to the landlord for $30k, and they weren’t able to pay themselves anything.
Things got so bad financially that Graham didn’t eat and Alison lived off canned tuna. They were close to losing their home and had no idea how to run a business.
When they went to their gym for a workout one night, their landlord had a lock in his hand and was ready to repossess the building. After begging for one more chance, Alison called a family member for help who gave them a huge cash injection into the facility. The money helped, but they were still overwhelmed with responsibilities.
“We worked really hard and were pulling crazy hours, doing everything in the business from janitorial work to doing the sessions to figuring out finances.”
One day, they got a wakeup call. While Graham was servicing a spin bike, he lost all of his fingers off his right hand. He went to the emergency room, and they overdosed him on morphine. Graham stopped breathing and flat lined, but he made it through.
His near-death experience gave them perspective and drove them to focus on their dreams: to send their son, Andrew, to a Christian private school 40 minutes away from the town they lived in.
Graham and Alison sold their house and relocated 40 minutes away, but this put them in a difficult situation with the family member who invested in their business. They were put in another financial situation where they had to decide if they were going to sell the house they just purchased.
“We had a choice. We could say goodbye to our dream or grab hold of it.”
They chose to go after their dreams. Graham and Alison opened a bootcamp a block away from their house at a park and business started to pick up.
Their business changed forever when Graham had a chance meeting with an NPE client who had an extra ticket to NPE’s MEGA TRAINING® event. Graham was determined to pay for his flight and hotel to get to the event, but Alison was hesitant to spend any money because they just had a second child and were struggling financially.
“I thought my husband had lost his marbles. He just spent a ton of money on a credit card that we didn’t have to go on a weekend tour in Orlando. It’s very out of character for him, and I was a little worried. But I thought, ‘Maybe he knows something I don’t about NPE,’ so I let him go.”
Graham went to MEGA TRAINING® and discovered the systems and tools that he knew would help turn their business around. When he returned home, he convinced Alison to join the ACCELERATOR™ coaching program even though they could barely make the first payment.
One Sunday at church, their preacher kept repeating “the answer’s in your house” and they suddenly realized they could renovate their basement and open a studio in their home.
Over the next winter, Graham and Alison trained clients in their basement who happily referred people to their business and soon they were outgrowing the space.
Their NPE Success Coach told them to post a goal on their wall, and they set a goal to get out of their basement by May 2015, although Alison didn’t believe it could happen.
While their business continued to grow, tragedy struck their personal lives on January 3rd, 2015. Their son, Andrew, had been getting pale, so they went to the doctor to run blood work, although they were assured he would be fine.
That night, Graham received a call saying they needed to get Andrew to the hospital as soon as possible. The doctor discovered that Andrew had the lowest functional hemoglobin score he had ever seen in a human being, and Andrew had to be rushed to London.
Alison stayed with her youngest child and had to say goodbye to Andrew, not knowing if her son would come back. Once Graham and Andrew made it to London, the doctors diagnosed him with a rare blood disorder that causes the body to stop making red blood cells. They said if Graham and Alison had not taken him to that doctor’s appointment, Andrew would have had just 3 – 5 days to live.
“When we look back on January 3rd, it’s life altering in a major way for us. Andrew is now fully healthy but we learned during the hard times when we wanted to throw in the towel with our fitness business that we had an amazing community around us the whole time. They believed in what we were doing and mailed us gas cards and sent hope and love to us. We had a realization that what we do does matter in people’s lives and that we can’t stop. So we decided to commit to results and not just activity.”
When Graham and Alison heard that the prices for the NPE Coaching ACADEMY™ Program were increasing soon, they decided to join. They were determined to move out of their basement but needed $20k to lease a commercial space.
When their first attempt at getting more sales flopped, their new NPE coach gave them another idea. They called all of their clients, scheduled appointments with them to discuss new plans for memberships going forward, and asked them all to put $1k down and pay the remainder on a monthly basis.
Within 2.5 weeks, they had $20k to start building their dream studio. Their members even helped them get the space ready, and by May 2015, the New U Personal Training studio was opened. They had hit their goal they put on their wall months before.
Now Graham and Alison have a 3,200 square foot studio, solid membership, and an amazing team to help support their business. In one year, they grew from 14 to 80 clients, they tripled their average client value, and they increased their monthly revenue from $1,347 to $22,589.
But more importantly, they were able to afford sending their son to the private Christian school, and they now have time to spend with their family.
“It just blew us away that we could get there in less than a year but we wouldn’t have gotten there without the community and support of NPE. Now our dream is coming true, our community is better because of it, and our family is better because of it. Our rock bottom became the foundation in which we built the rest of our lives. Rock bottom got us in front of NPE and in one year, we went from about $1k a month to over $20k a month. That’s insane. You can do this. Put your head down and drive forward.”