Kev Foley – “Gone From Being A Sole Trader On The Weekend Making £25 An Hour To Opening His Own Facility And Closing Around £22,500 In A Month!”
Kev has a background in amateur boxing with over 100 fights, including the European Championships and various British titles. As he started to segue out of boxing and into fitness as a career, Kev was spending up to 15 hours a day training clients as a sole trader. Of course, this led to the thought that, “I can’t train people when I’m 50-years-old so there needs to be an end game.”
After realizing that he needed to find a way to scale his business to solidify a more predictable and desirable future, Kev started looking for ways to develop a team to create a sustainable business. After a chat with James Breese of Kettlebell Fever and noticing a post about his successes in a Facebook post, Kev found NPE and signed up for a free consultation.
Within a week of investing in ACCELERATOR™, Kev closed a sale paid in full for £4,500! Prior to NPE, Kev had no real marketing or systems in place to run his business. After completing the ACCLERATOR™ program and implementing what he had learned in his business, he soon realized he needed extra support and accountability – and NPE Coaching is where he would find this.
Kev came to the NPE Coaching ACADEMY™ Program at the same time he was scouting his first facility. After finding his ideal location and working on outfitting the space, Kev already had the knowledge and tools to market his brand new location. Within two weeks of opening his doors, Kev was able to increase his clientele by almost double!
Kev has since brought on a part-time Admin and two trainers, as well as dropped his own personal coaching hours down to about 20 per week with the ultimate goal of getting down to 10 hours a week. The extra time his team has afforded him has given Kev the freedom to focus more on the business growth itself by creating strategic partnerships, doing public speaking, and focusing on his marketing!