Lori Harris Went from $12k to $55k Per Month in Her Gym Business

By Sean Greeley

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NPE Client Lori Harris was close to shutting down her business. She’d had all her savings in the business and had operated it for 3 years, but she was getting tired. 

She was up at 4 a.m. and wouldn’t return until 9 p.m. She wasn’t seeing her family enough, wasn’t making enough money so was behind in her rent, and wasn’t paying herself. 

In her own words “I was scrambling and done.”

She knew that she needed help. 

A friend told her about NPE. She joined, got focused and decided to give it everything she had and make one last effort. She got a marketing plan, sent out two emails, and within 3 days had generated a much needed  $3,000 for her business. 

But she didn’t stop there.

Her training rates were too low, she kicked ‘FEAR’ in the teeth raising her rates. She was grossing $8,000 – $12,000 a month. After raising her rates her best month ever came in at $55,000.

Watch her story to see how she did it. 

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