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CASE STUDY: From training clients in his garage…to making $20k/month consistently

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Name: Miguel Sandoval

Business Name: Own It Fitness

Location: Fremont, CA, USA 🇺🇸

A lot of fitness business owners make things complicated.

It’s been said that the highest level of sophistication is simplicity.

With a business, that couldn’t be more true.

Miguel Sandoval knows this.

He was trying to figure things out with training clients in his garage.

But he wasn’t making much progress.

Rather than try and re-invent the wheel…he started working with NPE to follow a roadmap that’s been tested and proven by over 53,000 businesses.

“The foundation that they helped me set was very strong, it was very specific and it was very simple,” said Miguel.

“I went from trying to do all of these complex things and making things way harder than they needed to be…to actually having a set of systems that made the path to success very clear.”

NPE helped him get into a studio space and raise his revenue to over $20k/month.

Now, he’s doing $20k/month in a studio space.

“If you don’t have the systems and the procedures to back up your big dreams, even the best business will fail,” he said.

“You have to have resources to support a big dream. And NPE really does help make your dreams a reality in terms of being a fitness business owner.”

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NPE is globally recognized for delivering the #1 suite of business growth systems, tools, and coaching for fitness entrepreneurs to grow 6-, 7- and 8-figure businesses. Since 2006, NPE has helped over 53,000+ fitness businesses in 96+ countries grow to the next level, and is responsible for driving over $1.1 billion in client revenue. NPE has been featured 8x on the Inc 500/5000 list of fastest growing companies, and has a global team based in the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia.

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