Dan John – How To Overcome Injuries And Setbacks On The Way To Achieving Your Goals

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A Division 1 discus thrower, a weightlifter, Highland Games competitor, and Weight Pentathlon record holder, Dan John is a best-selling expert on fitness and performance.

His story includes overcoming a grisly wrist injury. He has a unique simple-but-not-easy approach of doing what is necessary, and that “more” is not always productive.

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Sean Greeley
Let’s just jump into it. You guys, I could do another introduction but have are done it yesterday and you know who he is? Want to welcome to stage Dan john just mentioned that yesterday you heard about the why. And that’s a topic that Dan doesn’t always get to spend a lot of time talking about. He travels and does a lot of work in writing, teaching about the how. But Dan’s got so much more to offer. So I love when we can get him out and talk about the other side. I hope you enjoyed his presentation yesterday. And those of you who were here last year for Dan’s presentation, know how powerful that that side is when he gets to talk about it. But today is gonna be all about the how. And I absolutely encourage everybody here we’ve got I believe, Dan Jones, Dan, your books are all sold out. We’re out of books. Sorry, went quick. But we do have DVDs, and everybody I believe should have this intervention DVD, which is Dan’s latest work. You’re going to hear some of it here. Some material here in this presentation. But that DVD and disc one the PDFs are money. They are have save money. best stuff. I’ve I’ve read in the fitness industry that that says something I would think so. Anyway, please put your hands together for Dan. JOHN got a great presentation. We’re gonna jump right into it.

Dan John
Thanks a lot, bro. Appreciate that. Thanks.

Sean Greeley
Oh, come on morning again. Hey, yeah.

Dan John
been in this industry a long, long time. And industry. You know, as I noted in that video yesterday, I started lifting weights probably in 1965, or 1966.

My first trophy comes from 1967. And my wife was born in 1968. So I’ve been around in the weight room a long time. Okay. And so,

you know,

in the last few years, I’ve had this wonderful opportunity to be asked questions. You know, one of the basic four principles of education. And I always say the fourth one is you have to ask questions. And it questions don’t necessarily help the student that much because a student sometimes just wants you to, you know, you know, stop working.

But sometimes you get questions that change your life and had a question come up, and we’ll be talking about it today.

I have a book coming out called easy strength now. Sometimes books don’t come out as quick as you’d like.

I finished the book before my daughter’s senior year in high school. Before her track season started, you saw the picture of her winning the state track championship. Okay, so the book was finished, you saw her win the state championship. She then finished your freshman year. She’s a hammer thrower for Utah. And now she’s a sophomore. And the book is on its way soon.

My grandchildren enjoy the opening of it.

Unknown Speaker
So I write this book, and my brother reads one of the early galleys, my my, my family’s all athletes.

Unknown Speaker
I’m one of the least successful,

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which is always fun.

Unknown Speaker
And my brother looks at the book and goes,

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
I thought to myself, you know what? I busted my butt on this book. And it goes, No laundry. He goes, would you take a $400 silks shirt, and your underwear and a sheet and towels all throw them into the washer and pour Clorox on it and start it and walk away.

Unknown Speaker
And I go

Unknown Speaker
I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker
I’ve never had a shirt that cost more than $8. I don’t.

Unknown Speaker
Because no, the silk shirt probably if you’re gonna spend 400 bucks on a shirt, you might as well get it taken care of professionally right

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
he summarized everything I’m gonna tell you brilliantly, folks, if you’ve got a silk shirt, you got to treat it differently than you treat your towels. There’s nothing wrong with your towels. They’re not inferior. They’re just different. And sadly, I could honestly for my purposes sit down right now because I’m very comfortable. Because that is how we should train our clients. Summer silk shirts. guys like me, I’m a towel, man. I’m a towel. You can throw me with the Clorox in the hot water. I’m going to handle it.

Unknown Speaker
But some of your silk shirts, some of your clients are silk shirts. So let’s talk about it today. And again, and I really appreciate what

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JOHN said about yesterday was the why the How is important. And I actually think that my understanding the how side helps me a lot. But make sure you do your homework on the Y. Make sure you do it, because there are going to be tough times ahead. There are gonna be tough times ahead and you got to make sure you know your why.

Unknown Speaker
Alright, the takeaway point is this.

Unknown Speaker
By the way, every picture today, I just pulled off the internet. None of the none of the photos the before and after photos are my clients. I just figured pull them off to the internet. So the stories are true, but the people’s pictures are gonna be different. I don’t know. This is my

Unknown Speaker
I don’t know, I didn’t

Unknown Speaker
see the guy, the guy here. His goal was the look a little better. So he can have a picture with his dog. Okay.

Unknown Speaker
And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Unknown Speaker
Now, the guy in the middle there surrounded by four beautiful women wearing a kilt holding a beverage. His goals are different life. Okay, here’s the key.

Unknown Speaker
Remember, folks, it’s your clients goals.

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Not your goals.

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80% of personal trainers in a typical year quit. Why?

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Because very often, they show up like this. They show their six pack or keg. They show their abdominal wall. They say look like me.

Unknown Speaker
Look like me? That’s not your clients goals. I bet you a lot of your clients goals. I want to feel better. I want to move better.

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
silk shirts and towels. Keep that in the back of your mind. The million dollar question right now in the fitness industry. the fitness industry is going through a really, really tough time. The million dollar question is this. Can strength training help with your clients goals? Yes, goals like fat loss or feeling better? Yes.

Unknown Speaker
The universe all those other words in there.

Unknown Speaker
There’s been two or three things in my lifetime that have really made it difficult to do my job. One was when Arthur Jones had those if you guys remember the athletic journal,

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he used to have 20 and 30 page ads that basically said if you don’t have Nautilus equipment, you can’t achieve your goals.

Unknown Speaker
And it’s not an A lot of the things he said you know, Tommy Conan supports a lot of

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the other big one.

Unknown Speaker
I’ve got a good friend named Mark twite he trained the actors in the movie 300. If you say mark, Hey, did you train the actors and 300 he will drop the F bomb at you.

Unknown Speaker
Because he feels in many ways that

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that movie hurt. It certainly enhanced his career, but it hurt at the same time. Right? Do you guys remember when 300 came out? every workout was called 300 no matter what you did in your gym.

Unknown Speaker
The other thing too is fighters. All these guys want to look I want to look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
He looks like a 14 year old high school outside linebacker. That’s why I love them. Fighting is now my new nemesis. Every guy who shows up to my gym,

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I want to be a fighter. There’s a guy on TV. So bad only get all tatted up.

Unknown Speaker
And of course, this was in Utah, you know, rich Catholic high school kids

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who want to become fighters. It’s like if you’re been punched in the mouth. We didn’t allow that in my school.

Unknown Speaker
But I want to be a fighter. So now what happens in our industry, and I think you all know is that everybody wants to train about like, Ultimate Fighting champions, right? The other good one in art is the cliche. I want to be a navy seal. You know, you’d be a navy seal. You go down to the Navy to the recruiter, you sign your name, and then they have this nice training program. It really is. You want to look like Brad Pitt. Oh, you’ll lose weight. They have this really interesting program. They have this thing that it’s very it’s tough and stuff cold water immersion. It does. You know, rip read Tim Ferriss book, it works very well. They stick you in the ocean for long periods of time and you burn body fat off. It’s like a spa. Really? It’s really

Unknown Speaker
here’s the nice thing about being a navy seal. They pay you Oh my god, you get this body and get money.

Unknown Speaker
Everybody who tells you I’m training like a navy seal. No, no, you’re not.

Unknown Speaker
I’m trying like an Ultimate Fighter. Okay, you guys see my nose. Six breaks. Six times have broken this nose. I know. This isn’t plastic surgery.

Unknown Speaker
Now, two or three of those times I broke my nose. We’re in sports had a helmet break one time in football.

Unknown Speaker
One time I was painting the guy in his, his defense was to use my nose as a lever.

Unknown Speaker
But the other times that broken my nose, were discussions with my brothers and neighborhood friends.

Unknown Speaker
If you’ve never had your nose broken by a misunderstanding, you probably are on Ultimate Fighter, and the final one, and it’s on the cover of Muscle and Fitness again, how to train like an NFL guy. You know,

Unknown Speaker
you know, my goal was to play in the National Football League. I ever when I was young, that’s what I wanted to be the racist institution that the NFL would not pick me up as a defensive back. And I’m still angry about that. They said, Dan, you’re too slow.

Unknown Speaker
You’re too short. You’re not good enough.

Unknown Speaker
And I say, in other words, you’re saying I’m Irish?

Unknown Speaker
And I’ve been very hurt. I don’t

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the million dollar question. And you know it right? Guys, just go buy a Fitness magazine right now, I don’t care which one it is, how many tools and toys are there? I give workshops at places. And as I’m talking, I’m watching all these things come in the back of the room to sell.

Unknown Speaker
How many different kinds of balls Can you buy in this industry right now to train your clients?

Unknown Speaker
Okay, the role of the strength coach by Dan john.

Unknown Speaker
Ah, I try to make people stronger.

Unknown Speaker
Because there was a joke. The role of the English teacher is to teach English the role of the history teachers to teach history.

Unknown Speaker
A Personal Trainers job is to personally train people.

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You see, the role the strength coaches is, I think the easiest task I’ve ever done. That’s why my new book is called easy strength. Of all the qualities I think getting stronger is the easiest one I know. Seriously, take someone who’s never lifted weights, have them lift weights, chart their progress, they get stronger. I have never not had a person lifting weights not get stronger, ever.

Unknown Speaker
I’m talking thousands of people

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you want to make you want to make yourself feel bad. Try your fat loss clients.

Unknown Speaker
And we’ve ever had a fat loss client not lose fat.

Unknown Speaker
You always get the people stronger.

Unknown Speaker
Now, it’s time for our talk this morning.

Unknown Speaker
So I’m at San Jose.

Unknown Speaker
That indoor No, I did that.

Unknown Speaker
And my friend Pavel

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is a good man. You saw him yesterday is very funny. When I got certified as an rkc. I’m the only person ever to go to an rkc and be asked to speak at their own certification. It gave me a clue that I might get you know, passed. You know.

Unknown Speaker
Pavel said, I want you to talk about the role

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of the strength coach.

Unknown Speaker
And honestly, I just gave you the workshop about 20 seconds ago. The role make people stronger.

Unknown Speaker
He also wants to speak for half an hour, make people stronger.

Unknown Speaker
And I can stretch that out in the 10 minute blocks. 10 May.

Unknown Speaker
But then as I was staying there, someone said something interesting. They said what is the impact?

Unknown Speaker
The impact of the strength coach?

Unknown Speaker
What is the impact? By the way this is going to help you in your your career. What is the impact of a strength coach?

Unknown Speaker
Well, the answer is it depends. A few years ago a website came out and said if you do our program, we will get you up to a 750 pound deadlift.

Unknown Speaker
Folks, I don’t have any have ever dead lifted heavy.

Unknown Speaker
I’ve only been in one powerlifting meet. I was the strongest guy in the meet and the deadlift at 3am in the morning. That’s why I never did another powerlifting meet.

Unknown Speaker
I did love to 628 pounds because it was five pounds more than the guy the last guy who dead lifted, I just wanted to go home. I pulled a 628 pound deadlift at 3am 750 is like 100 pounds more.

Unknown Speaker
That’s a lot of weight folks. 750. When you start slapping, 45 is on most of the bars you guys own can’t handle that weight.

Unknown Speaker
Here’s the key about the deadlift. If I’m working with this young man, this handsome young man on the front row Dustin, and I move his fingers out slightly in the deadlift. And his deadlift goes up 100 pounds. But he’s got a real deadlift, a deadlift 600 and we move his fingers, you know, wiggle his left finger, you know, or do this with his feet or slap the ground and he goes from a 600 pound deadlift to a 700 pound deadlift. By the end of today, every single person on the World Wide Web will know about what happened here in the string.

Unknown Speaker
Training community. Because if you can impact the deadlift, man,

Unknown Speaker
you’re right. Think about how often you guys get that vertical jump stuff. I used to get it all the time is kind of slowed down. You know, it was a vertical jump trainer and there’s a vertical jump school. You guys have vertical jump schools near your place. And they promised, you know, they talked about a kid who added seven inches to his vertical jump. This always makes me laugh. Kid showed up with a 12 inch vertical jump, which is horrific.

Unknown Speaker
And you got him up to 19 which is just awful.

Unknown Speaker
But seven inches is an improvement, you know, it’s an improvement.

Unknown Speaker
If I take a 39 inch vertical jumper, and I add three inches to his vertical jump, the world listens. Jeff Newport and Pavel did that with a guy getting ready for the NFL combine. They had a three inches to an elite vertical jump in 45 minutes. by loosening the guy’s hip flexors and having to do this thing called the kettlebell swing. He opened up his hips increased three inches on elite job. How do I know that story? Because that’s a big deal. And it went around the interweb really fast.

Unknown Speaker
The shotput and discus, you know, the shotput is the first sport that really showed us that in track and field that weightlifting works. It was in the 1930s. The guy’s name was Otis Chandler. He later became the editor of the LA Times.

Unknown Speaker
He started lifting weights and through the shot farther.

Unknown Speaker
Every shot put on the world from that time had to lift weights to keep up. Now the discus is a terrible mistress. She who knows what makes the discus go farther. But you see what i’m saying about it depends.

Unknown Speaker
11 on 11 American football, which seems to have been running strength in America for about the last 30 years. If I go to a workshop, this is a story I use all the time, a friend of mine was the strength coach over at another school in Utah. And by happenstance, Utah, just remember where they picked up seven kids from Las Vegas who had background issues.

Unknown Speaker
So they showed up and played football that year, they went from being one of the worst teams in Utah to right there at the state championship losing the state final. And the coach said to me with a straight face. The reason is, we used to do five sets of three, we backed it down to five sets of two.

Unknown Speaker
weight, you pull in seven superior athletes in Utah. Listen, if I got LeBron James in high school memory, he went to high school. And they still show him on his games on ESPN. If I hate basketball, but if I was his basketball coach, we would be pretty good.

Unknown Speaker
Fact if it was him and me plane, we’d be pretty good.

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Unknown Speaker
So the impact of the strength coach depends. Depends.

Unknown Speaker
And I knew in that two words up there, it depends. I knew I had a gold mine in there.

Unknown Speaker
I knew it depends, was going to change the way we do strength training in this industry forever. That’s a big statement.

Unknown Speaker
I believe what I’m about to tell you is the most foundational change in strength training, probably since the barbell Okay, which is only about a century old.

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The impact of the strength coach on your goal set depends on qualities. And these are some qualities. Fat Loss hypertrophy. By the way, if you’re a bodybuilder, those are your those are your qualities right? Fat Loss hypertrophy

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you know used to be tanning was an issue. But if any of you’ve ever competed in a body that you that they spray on their colors, right right now No, they everyone sprays on. Posing routines are important, but really, fat loss and hypertrophy are the two big ones. cardio might be a quality, power, flexibility, balance, blah, blah, blah. Over here, we sometimes miss tactics and strategy. Those are qualities, right? If you ever, if you ever become a strength coach for a college or a high school, you really don’t do that you’re too stupid for words. You work long hours miserable pay, and if you lose a state championship, it’s your fault. A couple years ago, fourth down one we have a chance to win the state championship. Our offensive coordinator goes for it. ball falls and complete. They take the ball drive down our throats. Score games tied. Fortunately, one of our kids saves the day with his miraculous play. We win. But I’d have been fired Monday because we do too many deadlifts

Unknown Speaker
right. So qualities a couple years.

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Years go by. And I realize the great insight is this. It’s called the quadrants, the number of qualities the athlete needs to master the sport and the relationship to the absolute maximum. What this is what this means.

Unknown Speaker
As you go up here,

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as you go up,

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the percent of relative maximum goes up over here in quadrant four.

Unknown Speaker
At my weight now, if I squat 1200 pounds,

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I will make the top 10 in the world 1200 pounds, I’ll make the top 10.

Unknown Speaker
Next time in the gym slap on 1200 pounds. Don’t here’s, here’s what I do. Don’t stand up with the weight just go down with it.

Unknown Speaker
Just get a sense of what it feels like. The world record in the deadlift now is over 1000 pounds. There are people benching over 1000 pounds. If you run the hundred meters and nine nine in America, you might not make the final at our nationals. The opening height for the high jump at the nationals in America is seven feet one inch. That’s the opening height.

Unknown Speaker
Remember how everyone you say how small john Stockton was when he played for the jazz? JOHN Stockton is this tall, and I swear His hands are this big.

Unknown Speaker
He was two, he was a point guard in the NBA. Okay. The as he’s quality as this as we go up, the percent of relative max goes up. And as we go this way, it’s the number of qualities you need. So I have four quadrants quadrant one is basically PE class,

Unknown Speaker
quadrant two, or the collision sports.

Unknown Speaker
quadrant three is an interesting one, we’ll come back to that many times. And quadrant four. That’s silk shirts.

Unknown Speaker
Let’s go through and quickly.

Unknown Speaker
Oh, in case you get bored, you can leave after you hear this. Here are my rules for being a personal trainer or a strength coach. Number one, do no harm.

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If you injure an athlete, if you injure your client,

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doing something stupid.

Unknown Speaker
You missed the whole point a couple years ago, just for a State football championship. I get a phone call from this local guy who’s just been certified as an Olympic lifting coach. He went to a two hour certification. So he’s going to be good.

Unknown Speaker
And he says to me on the phone, he goes like it decreases the week of the State football. Can I come out and show your kids how to snatch and clean and jerk? And my assistant coach It was kind of funny because he could see me look at the phone like this.

Unknown Speaker
Dude, do you know who I am?

Unknown Speaker
I didn’t want to tell him that I’ve snatched 314 pounds and clean 402 which are good solid lifts. You know, on the internet, they’re not very good, but in reality, they’re pretty solid.

Unknown Speaker
Do no harm. A couple weeks later, I meet him finally. And he’s got his arm in a sling like this. He blew his pec off doing

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doing kipping pull ups followed by a max benchpress back to back. His pec said no more playing time. But

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if you hurt your athletes in if you hurt your clients, that’s bad. Number two, the goal. And this is a tough one to remember is to keep the goal, the goal. If you’re if your lady friend came in, she says I want to lose some body fat before my 20 year reunion. And you have her doing all kinds of things. And you don’t address what her goal was. You know, you spend three hours in, I don’t this might not be bad, but three hours doing mobility and then two hours leaping off buildings to build up her plyometric response in her thigh. As the point you missed the goal and finally the path, steal it. Really, you’re going by yourself going to invent a better way to become a world champion, then well, the world champion. Let’s at least look, I’ve told people for years you want to find about body fat loss. talked to a bodybuilder. Remember video last night.

Unknown Speaker
Remember that? tell you one thing if you want to learn about losing body fat talk to a bodybuilder. It is frightening.

Unknown Speaker
You know when guys say they want to look like Brad Pitt, they want to be as big as Lou Ferrigno and the hawk but look like Brad Pitt in the fighter at the same time.

Unknown Speaker
Just find that program and I’ll put you on it. So now just remember those three things and you and I will be happy

Unknown Speaker
The quadrants once again. And now let’s look at the first one. quadrant one, lots of qualities at a low level of relative max. If you are ninth grade or a junior high or a high school coach, this is the quadrant you would be in. And just for your minder, I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability in my judgment, and never do harm to anyone.

Unknown Speaker
Please take that oath sometime.

Unknown Speaker
According to your judgment and your ability. quadrant one, it’s PE class.

Unknown Speaker
Love that photo.

Unknown Speaker
Pe when I was in high school, I had a marvelous High School PE experience really did was great. I came from a Catholic School St. Veronica’s and then I went an Irish non Catholic school to a public junior high. That was a transitional period.

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There was a whole bunch of games I’d never heard of and never played speedball I’d never played volleyball before volleyball was kind of a new sport in our area at the time. I played soccer, but that always indoor variations in soccer.

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I learned a lot of games, I learned a lot of sports. It should be a lot of this in that I learned a basic rudimentary style of tumbling, then we played a bunch of different ballgames, different sports games, we learn to lift weights, we learn to do a lot of things. That’s what PE class should be.

Unknown Speaker
A school PE course should be a lot of things. We had written tests we had to take about the rules of the sports. That’s good stuff, folks. I’m telling you some good things that is good teaching. Good, good thing to model. Oh, and finally, it’s important to teach safety.

Unknown Speaker
The program the weightlifting progress picture of me in the ninth grade weightlifting program we use, I still use it what’s called the Southwood program. Power clean military press front squat bench press 864. I know it by heart. I’ve done it a million times. This is how I train eighth grade boys, eighth grade girls. This is our first strength program. On Sunday. We’re new the hkc cert, the exercises I also teach the the junior high or the swing the goblet squat and again. The athletes under my care by the time they’re out of junior high. Know the basic Olympic lifts, the power lifts and the basic kettlebell movements

Unknown Speaker
while they’re still in junior high, lots of exposure.

Unknown Speaker
Lots of learning. How many of you had a PE class like that in eighth grade?

Unknown Speaker
Good. It’s good to see one. You know what if I said this to maybe a lot of people my age in California,

Unknown Speaker
mostly of the hands will go up. It’s dropping out of our curriculums, isn’t it? They play a lot of dodgeball and a lot of basketball.

Unknown Speaker
It’s crucial stuff. I also think you should teach calisthenics. Those next two. If you’re an adult, you don’t know how to bike ride or swim. I failed you.

Unknown Speaker
My daughter, by the way, says I failed her. When she went to Utah. One of her first classes was swimming.

Unknown Speaker
I said you know how to swim. more to the story I discovered later on. Turns out the swim instructor hottest coach on campus.

Unknown Speaker
I knew there was a second point to that story. bike riding. Okay, true story at the Super Bowl a couple years ago, touchdown score. We all go Yeah, woman says how many points is that?

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at a Super Bowl party, you should know how the points are scored.

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basic first aid. I think basic first aid should be a primary part of every every PE curriculum.

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We should all know I think it’s really important to know CPR.

Unknown Speaker
I’ve saved two people with the Heimlich maneuver

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to people.

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One is a stranger I didn’t know. The sad thing is she was choking on a bit of meat. And of course my adrenaline kicked in seeing what I had to do. I did it really hard. We measured where the meat landed. We do think it’s a world record. Though Guinness is funny about that.

Unknown Speaker
basic survival skills, you know, basic survival skills. Maybe that’s a one day workshop. I brought in Mark Twain to do a one day survival thing for my students. He’s a friend of mine. He just basically you know, he told him stay warm, stay dry. Don’t be stupid. You know, water is more important than food. Like pavlos says, Every mushroom is edible once

Unknown Speaker
I think you should learn tumblin and fall training. You know I teach every one of my athletes how to fall we have a whole little thing on fall, you know kind of the martial arts tradition.

Unknown Speaker
I’m not teaching it for so they can know it in football. I’m teaching it so when they’re my age or when

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They’re in their 80s they will have that skill set still around that they maybe stop, they break the arm instead of a hip. Okay.

Unknown Speaker
Some kind of urban awareness. That’s always nice. I, I think that’s a skill set.

Unknown Speaker
We famously had a group of kids from our school go to New York, and they would talk to people on the streets.

Unknown Speaker
It’s not done in parts in New York. They didn’t know that. And of course, you should read great books. You should just do that. So quadrant one, pe

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everybody should have that foundation. If you don’t, it’s gonna be hard to fix. We don’t have adult PE courses doing sadly. Or there’s an there’s a money making idea

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for set up a set of a community PE course for adult adult D. You know, have people get picked teams feel bags, they got picked last. Okay.

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quadrant two

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is the problem.

Unknown Speaker
This is the problem. quadrant two our collision sports. Football. Ultimate Fighting. Ninja stuff. Rugby. Two points I have on there. It’s what most of you think you should do. I got to train like the navy seals.

Unknown Speaker
Dan, you’re 54 years old. When is the last time you had to leap up on a building in a firefight? Oh, yeah, that doesn’t happen as much

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as it used to.

Unknown Speaker
When’s the last time you were sprinting down the street and someone blindsided you? You know, you go for a jog now. That maybe that’s what I’m wrong. You know, they got the jogging path near my house. I just lurk behind bushes. And every, like every couple of joggers, just take them out, you know, and just say, boom.

Unknown Speaker
You need to drink more water too.

Unknown Speaker
I love this idea. Write that down call starkist

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it isn’t what most of you should do.

Unknown Speaker
Everybody wants to train like ninjas.

Unknown Speaker
It doesn’t support your goals of your client. Now it support your goals. Let’s remind ourselves what our goals are.

Unknown Speaker
new toy look at I got I went to this clinic and I found a toy. Everybody’s going to do this now. Why? Well, because this guy said would really help.

Unknown Speaker
He would really help. Why is that 85 year old woman drunk jumping off eight foot boxes? Because the guy said that it would help hide jumping.

Unknown Speaker
You laugh? How many of you know that I just said the truth about you at least one time.

Unknown Speaker
I’m Dan john.

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And I’m helpless not to do something stupid after I go to a clinic.

Unknown Speaker
Fast, big and strong. You know I love this picture. Is because he’s an offensive left tackle.

Unknown Speaker
How much smaller is he gonna get during the football game?

Unknown Speaker
Ain’t gonna get smaller at all. Now my athletes all want to look like the cover of muscle fitness. This guy gets paid to block people. So that a tom brady doesn’t get blindsided.

Unknown Speaker
This is a quadrant two athlete.

Unknown Speaker
That’s a quadrant two athlete. But Danny doesn’t have a six pack. I know. But if you’re the quarterback, and you’re here, you want him in the way.

Unknown Speaker
But then you notice he doesn’t have he doesn’t you know he’s not. Oh, you know? Yeah. Welcome to quadrant two.

Unknown Speaker
Welcome to it.

Unknown Speaker
Even at the high school level, even at the high school level, the minimums are staggering. This is was my minimums. To let a kid play varsity football 205 pound powerclean the deadlift is low at 315 a strict military 115 front squat 205 everybody’s gonna ask Dan what’s the benchpress I know you I can’t help 205 pound benchpress those are now what we consider in Utah. In three a the middle of five divisions, the minimums to get on the field of play nowadays. Those of you who lift barbells in a normal setting, raise your hand barbells normal setting are those good numbers.

Unknown Speaker
Those are sophomore football players at a typical High School in Utah numbers now.

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
This bottom one here, the one arm benchpress 32 kilos 70 pounds. This hand is free 12345 Ethan Rees minimum

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For Wake Forest 125 pounds for

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five 125 451 handed this handfree folks, he has punters who clean 308 pounds, punters No offense to punters. They’re they’re human beings but come on

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the punters

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even at the lowest levels, like high school, it’s it’s at a level that’s staggering nowadays.

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The point here is crucial to be a division one football player in NFL football player to be an Ultimate Fighter to be any to be a navy seal. You probably needed some kind of middle school physical education, you probably played Interscholastic sports. It’s year round training, it’s elite sport training.

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There is gonna be a transformation in your life. And of course, then you have to move on to lifelong.

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How long does someone last in the NFL? Now? You know, when I was first coming out, first coming out of college, if you get a contract about five years, now it’s three, two, isn’t it? Three, three years? Three years? So you’re washed up at 23? Yes, I was. But that’s not normative.

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It’s got to be systematic education gets somebody at that level.

Unknown Speaker
So when you when when Edna shows up at your gym, and you want to train her like an Ultimate Fighter, you’ve got to tell her, it’s going to take you 12 years to learn that skill set. See, I’m 5412 plus 54 is 61. So

Unknown Speaker
So you’re telling me, it’s gonna take a long time to get that skill set? How many of your clients, how many clients? Would you keep if you sat down, looked across? mintzer? Yeah, I’m with you on your goal set, you want to lose 20 pounds. I’ve got a 12 year program that’ll do that. By the way, that 12 year program is actually probably better, right than a lot of the nonsense we see every day. Right? But still, how many of your clients will go Oh, yeah, sign me up. How much you want? 10,000 a month? Yeah. For a program that guarantees a 20 pound fat loss of 12 years. Oh, this is good stuff. It must be high tech. Yes, it’s move more, eat less. It’s very scientific.

Unknown Speaker
Back to the quadrants. And now the quadrant, I want you to think about the most quadrant three where the champions roam, we don’t do much and we don’t do it very well.

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You know, track and field is quadrant three. And as I’ve said a million times it works in track and field. It’s going to probably work in most places. You know, my friend Tom Fay, he did this masterful study of elite discus throwers about how we how low the level is that we have to be to be strong.

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An elite discus throwing is a 400 pound benchpress years ago, I was with Dave Tate and who knows Dave take my chance. Okay, a couple good. Dave Tate has this wonderful thing. He asked the group how many convention 200 my hand goes up. I make my 300 400 That’s me. He goes in my gym. I have 13 men who can benchpress 800 pounds.

Unknown Speaker
Hopefully Holy cow.

Unknown Speaker
I am literally 40% of the world record in the benchpress right now. That’s an F even in California.

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snatch it to the back squat at 450

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abysmally low, snatch 250. That’s very doable. Clean 300 the world records at 576 586 pardon me, so that’s a de.

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But you know what the number of people you’ve met your life and golf for those lifts pretty minimal. Yet those are considered weak low numbers for an elite discus thrower.

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This is the moneymaker folks. This is one of my clients. This is a six week Transformation Program. I had him on.

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Just all I had to do is get that food journal lock locked down. Here’s the moneymaker for you folks. Fat Loss clients are quadrant three. How many qualities do you want and fat loss for one on lose fat. That’s all that person came to you for.

Unknown Speaker
They didn’t want to learn to jump off boxes. They didn’t want to smash their face against the wall. They didn’t want to play a new sport. They want to lose some body fat for the 20 year reunion. Courtney my good friend Josh Hillis, if your clients keep a food journal,

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he says that success and failure

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his new thing that just came out called system six. He even has gone so far as I don’t even judge what the food is anymore.

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I don’t say this is a good food or a bad food.

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I just want to see the food journal. He says the more honest and that the food journal is

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that the better the client does over time. So if I wrote down, I drank a 12 pack, ate a bunch of wings and then got hungry and three pizzas. My compliance over time will be better than if I said, Oh, yeah, I had veggies and a spritzer.

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He says, it’s amazing. I agree with him. You should do some mobility work many of your clients, many of your clients. By the way, if you have a client, do any of you have a client who’s over age 28 anybody have client or age 28.

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After age 28, there’s only two things you should worry about. mobility, joint mobility, and hypertrophy. It is the strangest thing in the world. If I don’t lift weights for a few weeks, my biceps leave town. As anyone notice that if you don’t train after a certain age, folks, joint mobility and hypertrophy.

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That’s what anybody over 28 needs because it is running. Your lean body mass is on a wind sprint away from you. After about age 28 one beer one beer is seven inches on my waistline.

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And if you if you come if you come on Sunday, if all you could do is one thing I tell you do swings.

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There’s a kettlebell swing. By the way, you’re so quick, fat loss exercises. This is something I’m very proud because I’m working on this long time. The more inefficient you are, the more fat loss you get from an exercise. You know, a robot dance classes remember Jaworski, this study in New York of 1000 women anaerobic dance, and he found that the number of women who have gotten their fat loss goals from a robot dance, it was 00 4000. That was my batting average in the third grade.

Unknown Speaker
If I don’t know about yourself, but if the two of us taken a robot dance class, it’ll be a fat loss thing for us. Because the whole time will be so inefficient. And so so step ball change what the

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what I’m not what

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I like the clothes I’m on.

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Remember at Leonard Swartz, his great book heavy hands.

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Why is heavy hands so good, it is a tragically inefficient way to walk, you take 10 pound weights and you walk like this. It’s a total waste of time and energy. It’s much more efficient to walk without the weights and kind of glide.

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Barry Ross has a very interesting training program where he makes his athletes over a 12. workout, they walk for 15 minutes. And the only thing Barry asks is that every time you have to walk a little farther, he says Be very careful. Oh, by the way, you can’t break into a jog or run.

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They become so inefficient at trying to walk faster, that it’s a mass of cardio hip swings, you stand in place and you work as hard as you physically can. And you don’t know where it’s totally an inefficient thing. A lot of power output doing nothing.

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Remember, for body fat loss, you must be inefficient as you can. For those of you who do cycling things to do cycling programs, once the person becomes pretty, you know, if

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if Lance Armstrong and I go for a bike ride, he’s not gonna lose one ounce of body fat. I’m going to sweat terribly right? You fall because I’m very inefficient. Does that make sense? Keep an eye on your clients once they start getting good at something.

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Move on. Okay.

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There’s only one rule in q3. Do what you say you need to do. You want to be a great discus thrower I got advice for you, you should throw the discus.

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You want to be you want to lose some body fat for your 20 year reunion. That’s your focus.

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You got to do what you say you’re going to do.

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And the big freebie. I gave a workshop back in January, this guy sat in the back with a hood on his head turn out he’s really quite famous. I didn’t know this. He’s an Ultimate Fighter. He’s on that HBO show all the time. I don’t know his name.

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Because I don’t want to you know, I mean, he’s a nice guy. And I said this. If your sport is a collision sport. Over time, you slowly want to slide down to q3. When a 30 year old NFL player comes to me for help. The first thing I do is move them to q3. We’re gonna stop doing all that excess stuff and let’s just focus on what we need to be here. quadrant four.

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This is silk shirts, man.

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Very few of us can coach q4

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that’s elite sprinters. I think

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Barry Ross can do it. The late Charlie Francis can do it. There’s a few but very few of us.

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Top and 900 pound deadlifts, I got no help for you.

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These are one or two qualities.

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put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket very carefully. This is one basket stuff.

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We need to talk about it though. And you need to have some understanding of this. Because you are going to get a client who wants went to YouTube and saw this guy do this thing. And now you want it. Can I put bands and chains on my benchpress? You benchpress 95 pounds, you have the guy on YouTube?

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Who has that client? We all do.

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If you can only work learn one thing here, and I’m glad because the person who taught me this is in the back row Brett Jones right. Brett taught me this years ago. If you can only learn Do one thing.

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Increased your absolute strength increase your client’s absolute strength.

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Brett told me that

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absolute strength is the glass. In every other quality fits inside the liquid is every other quality. The bigger the glass, the more qualities you can fit. Josh Hillis tells us very clearly, if a woman wants to hold 19% body fat, which he calls Rockstar lean, if he finds if they can do three pull ups, or chin ups and deadlift either are squat 135 for five.

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They have a ton of wiggle room with their fat loss goals. Women who are strong can hang with me on weekends.

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They don’t have to worry about every calorie because they have the absolute strength. And now we can go on this a long time and I don’t necessary have it. But if you want more on this we can talk.

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Is there an easy way to get strong? Yeah, easy strength in nutshell. Don’t buy my book. Now. lift heavy. Keep your reps and sets low. Stop your sets and workout before you get fatigued.

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How do I know it works because it’s always worked and it always will lift. If you want to get stronger, you should lift heavy weights.

Unknown Speaker
Would you please write that down. And then whenever you hear that in the future, demand that people send me money I just invented that. If you want to get stronger lift heavy weights.

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Strong but not easy. I include this picture of my wife This is actually when I met her.

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My wife in this picture had just been told by her dance teacher that she was morbidly obese

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at 24% body fat.

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I would like to thank everybody in the industry for laying those psychological gems.

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For those of you with females, they have been either exposed to Vogue magazine, Cosmo magazine, 17 magazine their whole life.

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There’s a picture on the web of before and afters of Britney Spears, how much they airbrush her to make her look miles thinner.

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When you tell a woman like that she’s morbidly obese at 24% body fat, the choice the choices they’ll make to deal with that are not healthy. Okay, there there’s my I’ll get off my soapbox, but just remember that

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getting stronger and improving technique is what most cue threes need. This is young discus there.

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I used to know

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this season was my comeback season try to make the Olympic team. I totally changed my training program that year. And I included the fifth human movement loaded carries. And that got me that improved me as an as a 48 year old thrower i got i added 10 feet to my throw that season by adding by what? Let’s talk now about how I can help you.

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Most clients are q3 and that means fat loss folks.

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Most of your clients are q3. What does that mean? It means they have very few qualities. If you ask an elite, elite bodybuilder,

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how hard is it to go from 24% body fat to 22 they’ll laugh at you. They’ll say well, you know it’s really hard going from 8% to 5% because they can probably do 24 to 22 overnight, right?

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Your clients, most of them

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have very approachable goals and they don’t need a ton of things to do.

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If I can leave one thing on the how of the fitness industry, it would be the following. Simplify what you do. Simplify what you do. great results are not boring.

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great results are not boring.

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We’re the problem in the industry. I am the problem the industry. I’ve got that adult onset add exercise add where every day I want to try something new. Ooh, shiny pony, you know, squirrel.

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We have got to control ourselves in this industry.

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Keep it simple, folks. to Sunday, I’ll go through the humane burpee workout. If you guys can’t make it just see me sometimes, and I’ll walk you through it.

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You should do some lifting, you should do swings, goblet squats and push ups inchworms you should do some mobility.

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So you should lift weights. weights are good. We know that with fat loss. weights are good. Mobility is good. Some mobility is good food journals. Because all diets work if you do it,

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I love my combination of diet. I’m on the drinkie man’s diet.

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On weekends, I’m on the pizza diet. You know, you know how it goes, right? I’m on 12 diets, you know, the old joke, you know, my doctor put me on a diet and that wasn’t a food. So no two diets. You know,

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write that one down and use that with your clients. And something I discovered recently and sadly, Breton knew this as well. Guys, I just lost four and a half inches off my waistline.

Unknown Speaker
Four and a half.

Unknown Speaker
Oh, yeah. There’s less love and going around nowadays. Dan is back in town.

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How do I do it? The doctor took a knife any any stuck it about here and he pulled it all the way up. He ripped my skin open pump me for two pints of blood, cut my femur off drilled out my hip socket. Put a I swear the screw was this long inside my hip, pounded my femur full of metal, put it back together and said Are you in pain? You know, when I woke up from the surgery? You know, he said to me, Are you in pain? I went

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oh my god. No.

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It was glorious. You know what I did that night? I slept through. It’s the first night’s sleep I had had in probably three years. I didn’t have to get up.

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Folks, if you’re in morbid amounts of pain, you’re not gonna be at a very good body fat diet.

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If your clients are in pain, if your clients are in pain, get it checked out.

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You know,

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I have a pretty good rate of helping people a couple years ago. I should of course physician heal thyself. Okay. guy comes to me says you know the weirdest thing Dan my ankles hurting all the time and I don’t remember twisting. I said, Listen, I don’t know. I’m no I don’t have any Why did you go see a doctor? guy had cancer in the the whatever was happening. Look the pain he had. He had this kind of the pain went down to his ankle. Listen,

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we caught it really early and he became a master hundred meter runner after that. We caught it really early. That’s what we can do. People in this they their time. When they say I’m in pain. Listen to them. Don’t always give them a pat if I slap some ice on it. Yeah, big sissy.

Unknown Speaker
So I saw that after you see a doctor and get screened.

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What’s your clients goal?

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Very often your client will tell you my goal is to I want to be I want to be healthier. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

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Health and I use Matthew tones definition is the optimal interplay of the human organs. We know statistically that those two things right there, statistically, will keep you healthier in America. Don’t smoke. And if you do stop that seems to help. But we all have that grandfather who smoked when he was 134 years old and had a 17 you know your relationship with a supermodel? We all know that guy. My long term plan. Ah,

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wear your seatbelt. If you if you listen to that read the book super Freakonomics. You guys know that death there was you’re more likely to die in a car accident in the 50s than now because of this little nylon belt you put on. And then I always tell people learn to fall and recover.

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With my people. I always ask one follow up question about stress. A green light situation is where most of us usually are, you know, you got stuff going on.

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A yellow light situation is kind of a short term ish kind of problem.

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I found out of six weeks before I had to go to move from Utah to California. I had to graduate my daughter from college had to graduate my daughter from high school. It was the middle of track season. No big deal is head track coach.

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We had to move from a six bedroom three bath house to a two two and Berlin game.

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We had to leave our kids

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there was a one week

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period where literally every night was a life changing event, graduation, baccalaureate banquets.

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during that week or so my training wasn’t very good. That’s a yellow light situation. In some ways you could say like a pregnancy is a yellow light. When someone says I’m pregnant, you don’t want to keep focusing on it, right? You want to change your goals. Sometimes you come through, if you’re a CPA, April’s, your yellow light time, does that make sense to you? For a school teacher, there’s that little funny period right at the begin of the year is a yellow light period. If you can help your clients find and address, Hey, you know what, this time of year, let’s back off, I just want you to come in, we’ll just do some general mobility work, some light training, we’ll keep moving on. You see how this works. Red lights, that’s when you get like a deal. If you have a client that’s happened with me get a DUI.

Unknown Speaker
One of the guys I work with son got arrested for not only possession, but perhaps distribution in California. The lawyer says he might be looking at 32 years hard

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for the dad right now.

Unknown Speaker
He He’s in a red light situation. If he can, if he makes it to the gym, it’s a therapy session, right? If he makes it to the gym,

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we, you know, we haven’t do one of these. And he you know, he kind of does one of those, he cries, he doesn’t push up, you slumps. My job is is keep the heart pumping, right?

Unknown Speaker
If you can start to label your clients yellow light times of year, and have that as naturally quiet times. That’s not a bad tool. By the way.

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If you find your clients consents through yellow lights, you can kind of turn those into green lights in their life too.

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If somebody comes in with a red light, do what you can do. Like I say here, you can’t really help with red light situations. What most yellow lights maybe, huh.

Unknown Speaker
You know, what I just said right there is a gym.

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What I just told you to do is to take your client and look at their life. And don’t just look at their body when it comes in at 19% body fat. You’ll keep that client for a long time, a long time. Fitness. It’s simply the ability to do a task.

Unknown Speaker
This is the late Stephen Fern home one of my old friends. And I pulled that off the internet. Because that’s how most guys tell me they want to look. Personally I’d rather look like Stephen but that guy looks like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

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Fitness, his ability to do a task, never connected to never connected to

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the fitness industry has fallen in love with tasks. You know, it’s a set of numbers versus like a six minute mile to 22 pumps 100 there’s this and that and this but it may be that

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but really the human body works best and what I call the five basic patterns.

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push pull, hinge, squat, loaded, carry, loaded, carry farmer walks, you want to make an impact on your client Monday, teach them farmer walks.

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It’s stealing as an adult when I finally started in loaded carries some of the best improvements of my athletic career in the Turkish getup if you don’t know what the Turkish getup is, it’s a fez with a little silks

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fret that was for you. That was for you, baby That’s for you.

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This is what they want it.

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This is what your person wanted. They came to you to feel better and lose some body fat and look better in a bikini. That’s what I came to you for.

Unknown Speaker
Now, the world fast is personalized program. Are you ready?

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This is how I make money folks. whatever they’re not doing, make them do it.

Unknown Speaker

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every man you’ll ever work with ever will tell you what they benchpress or what they do for push ups. They did pull ups and they never once in their life that a loaded carrier squat.

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If I can get you to do a squat and loaded carry impact on you gobble squats and farmer walks.

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If you don’t know how to do them, come see me later on the day. I taught an NFL player how to do goblet squats before breakfast in my kitchen with the complete works of Shakespeare because it was the heaviest thing we had in the room.

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goblet squats and farmer walks.

Unknown Speaker
If your clients aren’t squatting, teach them the goblet squat if they’re not doing farmer walks, teaching the farmer walk

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and here is my miracle protocol.

Unknown Speaker
By the way, if any of you want this just can we set up a place where I can email them or something like that this

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loves you. I love you

Unknown Speaker
All right, here’s how to get a personalized claim. Here.

Unknown Speaker
You learn and finally, Jay, you finally catch it on how it works. I’m proud of you. Hey, money, money, money, money.

Unknown Speaker
Here’s what here’s how I think you should design your client workout, half the workout time. give them what they want to do.

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, and I mean that. I want to bet here’s my perfect workout. bench press, Incline Bench Press, military press, one arm press, seesaw, press, press, press, press, press press. Dan. JOHN loves the press. There’s girls in the weight room I’m pressing.

Unknown Speaker
What are the kettlebell say, when it was over my head? I’m impressed.

Unknown Speaker
Between my rest sets, if you tell me Dan, do five sets of five, I’ll do five sets of five.

Unknown Speaker
And between my rest sets, say, Dan, we work on your mobility. Yeah, I get the benchpress I’ll do anything you want.

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between sets of things they do, they like to do have them do the correctives haven’t do a set it to a golf, you know, some goblet squats, any kind of get up movement, any kind of abdominal movement. If you like them to roll foam roll or do any kind of tissue work. Do it between the sets of things they like to do. reward them for loving certain things.

Unknown Speaker
And then toss the correctives in. And then the other half of the workout, the gaps.

Unknown Speaker
You work on the gaps, farmer walks, can carries hinges squat variations. It’s interesting because this is not a bad program for almost any man in this room. between sets of pushes have to do goblet squats and get ups every man I know would flourish on that.

Unknown Speaker
Women tend to need to do more planking, at least in my experience, especially the push up

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the push up stuff. This is my miracle protocol.

Unknown Speaker
You know what’s nice about this, it’s when when

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you’re giving them an a workout, what they want to do, plus what they need to do.

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And when they do what they want to do, you stick in also what they need to do. Remember, we’re supposed to be that we’re the grown up here. We’re Dad Mom in this example, right? As the trainer, okay.

Unknown Speaker
How to keep a client?

Unknown Speaker
I think there’s two things. One is results. Folks.

Unknown Speaker
As I come to a close here,

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your clients want results. You know that the club industry is closing quickly, right? The clubs are closing all across America. The explosion of closing clubs is stunning.

Unknown Speaker
Because you’re not getting results.

Unknown Speaker
If your clients are getting results, they are walking ads for you

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guys haven’t seen me advertise was the last time I ever sent out a blurb.

Unknown Speaker
Like, my clients advertise for me. You guys advertise god bless you keep doing it.

Unknown Speaker
And the other thing, and this is something that my wife and daughters taught me years ago, and Eric, Eric noses don’t feel stupid. We talked about this the first time I met you.

Unknown Speaker
Women will tell you don’t make me feel stupid. Many of your female clients have body issues. My rough guest is right around 100%.

Unknown Speaker
And I’m sure there are women who don’t have body issues, but I don’t Yeah. Listen, I showed you a picture my wife. She was 24% body fat.

Unknown Speaker
She was hot enough for me to instantly change gears on a relationship that I was in.

Unknown Speaker
That’s a good story.

Unknown Speaker
My daughter said you know that don’t make us feel stupid. What do you mean by that? Don’t make us I don’t know what that means. But what it means is don’t expose your clients to making them feel uncomfortable, stupid. I’ll tell you one of the ways to do it.

Unknown Speaker
On my website, I have a workout called the coyote point kettlebell club work, steal it. Basically it’s a template for doing the same kind of workout every day.

Unknown Speaker
We have some Do we have any anybody who’s successfully passed the coyote point kettlebell club program?

Unknown Speaker
Right who is Kristin Erica in the back there? Don’t make me feel stupid.

Unknown Speaker
Those two are the keys in my humble opinion. And remember before I go, do no harm. The goal to keep the goal is the goal and the path. steal it somebody else has done it better and smarter than you

Unknown Speaker
Got a thanks, Shawn once again, you guys are great. I’ll be here all day if you guys want to just talk and wrap. Okay. Thank you

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