Step 5: Present the Solution
How to Build a Sales Deck that Sells High-Ticket Fitness Programs
Duration: 15-20 minutes
Goal: To visually present your program by explaining your methodology, showcasing client results, and closing the sale.
Now that your prospect is clear about their problem, obstacles, and need for your help – it’s time to share your solution.
And the best way to do this is with a professional visual presentation.

Succeeded Beyond Her Dreams and Went from $3,000 to $39,000 a Month
Aly Khairuddin | FitNut Loft
Step 5: Present the Solution
The technology you have at your disposal will determine how you present your program.
Some of our clients display their presentations on projectors or TVs, while others simply share the presentation on their laptop or iPad.
Just make sure everyone you are presenting to has a good view of your presentation and that any words or pictures on your slides are big enough and clear enough to see.
Remember, you are the guide in this sales journey!
And you want to be confident and clear as you communicate your programs.
So to do that, you must understand the elements of an excellent presentation.
This chapter covers how to:
- Use a visual presentation to demonstrate your process.
- Showcase client results that inspire prospects to commit to their journey.
- Position and close a sale with the alternate choice closing.
Teach your process
A good presentation begins by detailing your methodology.
How do you take clients from point A to where they want to be?
The length of your presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes.
We begin our presentations with a five-step process from goal setting to re-evaluation.
After that, we discuss the conditional guarantee, introduce social proof, and present our packaging and pricing.
Of course, as you grow, you’ll want to make the presentation your own, but here is a framework you can get started with to teach your process.
Step 1: Set goals
On the first slide, you are reiterating the prospective client’s goals.
Use bullet points with direct questions or a list of statements regarding what you will ask about their goals.
Your goal is to clarify what you discussed in the discovery process (Step 4 of the AUTO-CLOSER sales system) concerning their motivation and prior obstacles.
Then remind them what number they gave you (1-10) to rate their commitment level.
Step 2: Complete assessment
List out the things you evaluate and assess based on your certification and protocols for the program you recommend for them.
You may be evaluating strength or speed if they’re an athlete or mobility if they’re an older prospect.
You may measure weight and take photographs if it’s an aesthetic body transformation client.
Some example assessments are:
- Movement assessment
- Postural assessment
- Flexibility assessment
- Nutrition assessment
Letting them know exactly what to expect reduces anxiety about the unknown and shows them how thorough your evaluation process is.
Step 3: Design a program
This slide should explain how you design their program.
List out the various components with a brief explanation of each.
For example:
- Strength training: Increase lean muscle mass and metabolism
- Coaching: We provide expert-level fitness knowledge, support, and accountability to improve our clients’ overall lifestyles.
Of course, you’ll want to include all the elements you use in your personalized version.
Step 4: Implement the Program
This slide should explain how you’ll teach the components of their program.
Discuss taking action for X amount of days to build new habits into their lifestyle.
Share how you’ll provide accountability so they stay on track, and you can wrap it up with a positive statement about their future working with you.
Step 5: Re-evaluation
Whether you decide to re-evaluate every six weeks or every four weeks, this step should explain your process for evaluating their key milestones.
Share how you’ll adjust their program based on their progress.
Your goal is to ensure consistent improvement over time.
Consider adding the following questions to your slide:
- What are your successes?
- What are your challenges?
- How can we continue to improve your program and results?
Explain that re-evaluation helps you refine their programming to get optimal results as they move closer to their goal.
Answer FAQs
Now that you’ve outlined your entire methodology, it’s a good idea to be proactive by addressing common questions before moving forward.
Your job is to eliminate any questions in the prospect’s mind before inviting them to commit to their journey.
Because if there are unanswered questions, there can be friction or hesitation in making a decision.
These aren’t objections but simply clarifying questions.
You can include a slide of questions you commonly deal with, or if you’re just starting, you can use our recommended list.
You will get more questions the longer you do this, so you can begin personalizing this slide by adding questions tailored to your program.
Here are some common questions you can list out visually:
- How long does the program last?
- What if I take a vacation, travel, or get sick? (We recommend continuing to provide support and value.)
- What if I need to break the contract? (We recommend charging ½ of the remaining balance.)
- How do I pay? (Pay in full or monthly via bank account or card.)
After answering a question, regain control of the conversation again by asking,
Have I answered your question?
Are there any more questions you might have or something I can clarify for you?
If they jump ahead and ask how much the program costs, let them know you’re just about to get to that, but first, you want to make sure they don’t have any other questions about the program.
Here are some examples of “operational type” questions based on your specific situation:
- Can I change the days/times we meet?
- Do you have child care?
- What’s your guest policy?
- Where do I park?
- Do you have a place to change or shower?
Try not to get in the weeds with any of your answers.
Keep things simple.
Remember, your goal is to get ANY question off the table BEFORE asking for a commitment.
Introduce your guarantee
We highly recommend including a guarantee.
You can offer many types of guarantees, but the one we recommend is called a conditional guarantee.
In our industry, ultimately, the power lies with the client to follow the program or not.
Especially during the hours they’re not with you.
There are things you can’t do for them, like following their nutrition protocol or getting rest and recovery.
Let them know you guarantee their results, but you expect XYZ from them, and they can expect XYZ from you.
If those two things align – you guarantee their results 100%.
Take the time to clarify what it takes to show up and do the work and how you will support them because it will not be easy.
And, if they don’t look and feel better after the allotted time, let them know you’ll refund their money.
The truth is when you present this commitment as a partnership where both parties take responsibility for the outcome, people VALUE that.
Showcase client success (social proof)
If you have them, feature client success stories in your presentation.
You can add before and after photos for transformations or even client testimonials around results or successes they’ve experienced – pain management, for instance.
Make sure the stories you share are RELEVANT and RELATABLE to the person sitting in front of you.
If you’re brand new, share your journey, results, or even some nice things that clients have said about working with you.
Your goal is to inspire and give them the confidence to take the next step.
Ask a “trial close” question
The next step is to ask them a trial close question like this:
Are these the kind of results you’re looking for?
They typically answer with an excited YES!
And NOW, it’s time to present your pricing and packaging.
Present your menu of services
It’s important to present your services in an easy-to-read, visually appealing, and professional manner.
We recommend including:
- Program name
- Time commitment
- Visits per week
- Monthly investments
You will include the explanation of your services in the close, which is our next step.
It’s important to present your services in an easy-to-read, visually appealing, and professional manner.
We recommend including:
- Program name
- Time commitment
- Visits per week
- Monthly investments
You will include the explanation of your services in the close, which is our next step.